Conseils sexo

Our advices

Explorez avec nous les multiples facettes de la sexualité. Notre blog offre des informations utiles du Kamasutra au BDSM, en passant par l'utilisation judicieuse des sextoys et des techniques pour raviver la passion dans votre couple. Apprenez à mieux comprendre l'anatomie masculine et féminine et découvrez des conseils sexo pour enrichir votre intimité.
Que vous soyez novice ou averti, nos articles sont là pour inspirer, éduquer et guider vers une expérience sexuelle plus épanouissante. Rejoignez notre aventure pour transformer votre vie sexuelle en un voyage de découverte et de plaisir.

Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Gérer les différences de libido dans le couple: guide pratique

Dans toute relation de couple, l'harmonie sexuelle joue un rôle crucial pour le bien-être général des partenaires. Cependant, il n'est pas rare que les désirs sexuels divergent à certains moments, ce qui peut créer des tensions et des malentendus. Comment, alors, gérer efficacement les différences de libido pour maintenir une relation épanouie ? Cet article explore des stratégies pratiques et respectueuses pour aborder ces différences sans stigmatisation ni frustration. Comprendre les différences de libido Origines des différences Les origines des différences de libido entre partenaires peuvent être extrêmement variées, reflétant la complexité de la sexualité humaine. Sur le plan biologique, des facteurs tels que les niveaux hormonaux, la santé générale, et les médicaments peuvent jouer un rôle significatif. Par exemple, des hormones telles que la testostérone ont un impact direct sur le désir sexuel, et des variations dans ces niveaux peuvent entraîner des changements dans la libido.Sur le plan psychologique, des éléments comme l'état de santé mentale, le stress, et l'historique personnel de chaque individu influencent également le désir sexuel. La dépression, l'anxiété, et même la fatigue due à un mode de vie chargé peuvent réduire considérablement la libido. De plus, des expériences passées telles que les traumatismes ou l'éducation sexuelle reçue peuvent façonner la manière dont les individus vivent et expriment leur sexualité.Contextuellement, la dynamique de la relation elle-même est déterminante. Des conflits non résolus, un manque de communication, ou même la monotonie de la routine quotidienne peuvent diminuer l'attrait sexuel entre partenaires. D'autre part, des périodes de changement majeur, comme la parentalité ou des transitions de carrière, peuvent également influencer les désirs sexuels de manière significative.Comprendre ces origines aide non seulement à démystifier les causes des différences de libido mais encourage également une approche plus empathique et personnalisée dans la gestion de ces différences au sein du couple. En reconnaissant et en abordant ces facteurs sous-jacents, les partenaires peuvent travailler ensemble pour trouver un équilibre qui respecte les besoins de chacun. Mythes et réalités La compréhension des différences de libido dans les relations est souvent obscurcie par des mythes et des malentendus qui peuvent créer des attentes irréalistes et une pression inutile sur les partenaires. Un mythe commun est l'idée que des partenaires compatibles devraient naturellement avoir des libidos synchronisées. En réalité, il est normal que les désirs fluctuent et ne soient pas toujours alignés. Cela ne signifie pas nécessairement une incompatibilité ou un problème relationnel.Un autre mythe persistant est que la libido élevée est synonyme de virilité ou de santé féminine, tandis qu'une faible libido est souvent vue comme un défaut ou une carence. Ce type de stéréotype peut entraîner une honte inutile et empêcher les personnes concernées de parler ouvertement de leurs vrais sentiments et besoins. La réalité est que la libido est influencée par une multitude de facteurs et varie grandement d'une personne à l'autre.Il est aussi fréquemment supposé que la libido devrait toujours être spontanée et irrépressible. En vérité, de nombreux individus expérimentent ce que l'on appelle une libido réactive, où le désir sexuel n'apparaît qu'en réponse à un stimulus érotique plutôt qu'avant. Reconnaître ces diverses façons de vivre la sexualité peut aider les partenaires à mieux comprendre et à répondre aux besoins l'un de l'autre sans jugement. Communication efficace Exprimer ses besoins et désirs La communication est la pierre angulaire de la résolution de toute différence dans une relation, y compris les déséquilibres de libido. Il est crucial de créer un espace où chacun se sent en sécurité pour exprimer ses besoins, ses préoccupations et ses attentes sans jugement. Les partenaires doivent pratiquer une écoute empathique pour comprendre la perspective et les besoins de l'autre sans se sentir menacé ou rejeté. Planification vs spontanéité Discuter de la fréquence des relations sexuelles peut aider à trouver un compromis entre les besoins de chacun. Pour certains, planifier des moments intimes peut aider à créer une anticipation positive et gérer les attentes, avec une approche tendre et douce à l'image du sexe vanille, tandis que pour d'autres, maintenir un élément de spontanéité est crucial. Trouver le bon équilibre est clé. Solutions pragmatiques Innovation et exploration Innover dans la manière de vivre sa sexualité peut aider à répondre aux besoins de partenaires avec des libidos différentes. Explorer de nouvelles formes d'intimité, qu'il s'agisse de massages, de baisers prolongés, ou même de jeux érotiques, peut enrichir l'expérience sexuelle sans nécessiter un désir élevé de part et d'autre. Pourquoi ne pas essayer le porno en couple ou l'audio porn? Une façon plus douce de se faire plaisir, ensemble. Soutien professionnel Lorsque les différences de libido causent des tensions importantes, consulter un thérapeute spécialisé en sexologie peut être une option. Ce professionnel peut offrir des stratégies personnalisées et aider à explorer les racines psychologiques ou relationnelles de ces différences. N’hésitez pas à prendre part à notre "guide du plaisir" dans lequel vous aurez accès à un premier rendez-vous gratuit avec une sexothérapeute. Prendre soin de la relation Nourrir la relation hors de la chambre La santé sexuelle d'une relation est souvent un reflet de son état général. Il est donc important de nourrir la relation dans ses autres dimensions : passer du temps de qualité ensemble, partager des activités plaisantes, et se soutenir mutuellement dans les défis quotidiens. Importance de l'autonomie Reconnaître et respecter l'autonomie de chacun en matière de désir peut également alléger beaucoup de pression. Comprendre que chaque partenaire est un individu avec ses propres rythmes et besoins peut transformer la façon dont on aborde la question de la libido.Les différences de libido ne sont pas insurmontables. Avec de la communication, de la compréhension, et un engagement à travailler ensemble, il est possible de gérer ces différences de manière à renforcer la relation plutôt que de la fragiliser. Cela demande patience, ouverture et parfois un peu de créativité, mais les récompenses — une relation plus forte et plus intime — en valent la peine. L'importance de la masturbation individuelle dans une relation de couple S'octroyer un espace personnel La masturbation individuelle, même lorsque l'on est en couple, joue un rôle crucial pour la santé sexuelle personnelle. Elle permet à chaque partenaire de rester en contact avec ses propres désirs et de mieux comprendre son corps et ses réactions. Cela peut, par conséquent, enrichir l'expérience sexuelle partagée, en apportant des connaissances et des pratiques qui peuvent être partagées et discutées avec le partenaire. Plus soft, les caresses intimes peuvent également être une bonne approche. Diminuer la pression sexuelle Pratiquer la masturbation peut également servir à équilibrer les différences de libido au sein du couple. Pour le partenaire ayant une libido plus élevée, elle offre un exutoire pour ses besoins sexuels sans mettre de pression sur l'autre. Cela permet de maintenir une harmonie dans la relation, en réduisant les frustrations ou les sentiments de rejet qui pourraient surgir. Renforcer la confiance et l'indépendance Se masturber en étant en couple peut aussi renforcer la confiance en soi et l'autonomie. Cela montre une ouverture d'esprit et une maturité dans la relation, où les deux partenaires reconnaissent que leur satisfaction sexuelle peut aussi être personnelle et non exclusivement partagée. Cet acte peut aider à construire un climat de confiance où chacun se sent libre d'explorer sa sexualité sans jugement. Favoriser le dialogue autour du plaisir Enfin, accepter et encourager la masturbation dans une relation peut favoriser un dialogue ouvert sur le plaisir et les préférences sexuelles. Cela peut ouvrir des discussions sur ce que chaque partenaire aime ou découvre sur lui-même, enrichissant ainsi leur vie sexuelle commune par de nouvelles idées et expériences. Encourager la masturbation comme une composante saine de l'identité sexuelle individuelle et du bien-être dans une relation peut transformer la façon dont les partenaires perçoivent l'intimité et le désir, en cultivant une approche plus épanouie et inclusive de la sexualité. Intégration des accessoires sexuels et des gels intimes Diversifier l'expérience intime L'introduction d'accessoires sexuels ou de cosmétiques intimes peut jouer un rôle significatif dans la gestion des différences de libido. Les sextoys, par exemple, peuvent offrir de nouvelles sensations et expériences qui ravivent l'intérêt sexuel et brisent la routine. Ils permettent de découvrir ensemble de nouvelles facettes du plaisir, facilitant ainsi des moments d'intimité plus fréquents et satisfaisants. Avec une offre large et complète, il vous sera facile de trouver le sextoy qui correspond le plus à vos attentes. Les gels stimulants, les huiles de massage et autres lubrifiants naturels et bio ajoutent une dimension sensorielle enrichissante qui peut rendre les rapports plus excitants et moins prévisibles, permettant au couple de se -re-découvrir sous de nouveaux aspects. Explorer sans pression Ces outils peuvent aussi aider à maintenir une intimité physique dans les moments où un des partenaires ressent moins de désir sexuel. Par exemple, l'utilisation d'un sextoy peut satisfaire le besoin de proximité du partenaire ayant une libido plus élevée sans exercer de pression sur l'autre pour une interaction sexuelle complète. Les huiles de massage et les gels peuvent être utilisés pour des moments de détente et de tendresse, augmentant ainsi l'intimité émotionnelle et physique sans focaliser uniquement sur l'acte sexuel. Autre possibilité, pourquoi ne pas essayer un sextoy contrôlé à distance pour pimenter vos sorties? Cela vous fera sortir de votre routine et peut amener à une nouvelle découverte de l'autre, autour d'une complicité retrouvée. Conseils supplémentaires pour gérer les différences de libido Éducation sexuelle mutuelle Parfois, une compréhension limitée de la sexualité peut restreindre l'expression des désirs. Prendre le temps de s'éduquer mutuellement sur les différentes dimensions de la sexualité peut ouvrir de nouvelles voies de communication et de plaisir. Lire ensemble des livres sur la sexualité, regarder des vidéos éducatives telle que notre formation complète de 18 modules vidéos intitulée « Guide du plaisir », ou même assister à des ateliers peut enrichir votre expérience mutuelle. Maintenir une atmosphère positive Il est crucial de garder une attitude positive et encourageante envers la sexualité dans la relation. Éviter les critiques négatives et plutôt encourager les petites avancées peut créer une dynamique plus saine. Célébrez les moments de connexion, même s'ils sont petits ou différents de ce que vous aviez en tête. Définir des objectifs communs Discutez de ce que chacun souhaite atteindre dans la relation sexuelle. Que ce soit augmenter la fréquence des rapports sexuels, partager de nouvelles formes de plaisirs, ou simplement améliorer la qualité de vos intimités, avoir des objectifs clairs peut guider vos efforts communs. Considérer des alternatives de satisfaction Il est important de reconnaître que la satisfaction dans une relation ne provient pas uniquement des rapports sexuels. Trouver d'autres sources de plaisir et de satisfaction dans la relation peut aider à diminuer la pression autour de la sexualité et à renforcer d'autres aspects de votre partenariat.Naviguer dans les eaux parfois troubles des différences de libido requiert de l'empathie, du respect, et une volonté de s'adapter et d'expérimenter. En utilisant des outils comme les sextoys et les cosmétiques intimes, en s'éduquant sur la sexualité, et en maintenant une communication ouverte et positive, les couples peuvent surmonter ces défis. Cela peut non seulement améliorer leur vie sexuelle, mais aussi renforcer leur relation dans son ensemble, en construisant une compréhension plus profonde et un respect mutuel entre les partenaires. Avec le bon mélange de patience, d'innovation, et d'engagement, la différence de libido peut devenir une opportunité de croissance et de renouveau pour le couple.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Comment dépasser l'addiction au porno ?

L'addiction au porno n'est pas qu'une affaire de chiffres ou de statistiques; elle touche au cœur même de notre intimité, de nos relations et de notre bien-être. Dans cette introduction, nous posons les bases d'une exploration bienveillante et éclairée, destinée à tous ceux qui se sentent concernés, directement ou indirectement, par cette problématique. Notre objectif ? Vous accompagner dans la compréhension de cette addiction, en démêlant les fils complexes qui lient nos comportements à nos besoins profonds, nos peurs et nos aspirations. Au-delà des défis, c'est bien de liberté et d'épanouissement qu'il s'agit. La liberté de choisir, de comprendre, et finalement, de s'aimer dans une sexualité vécue sans contraintes ni culpabilité. Prêts à entamer ce parcours ? Laissez vos préjugés au vestiaire et ouvrez la porte à une nouvelle perspective sur l'addiction au porno, armés de curiosité, de compassion et de l'envie sincère de comprendre. Ensemble, explorons les voies d'une sexualité équilibrée et épanouissante, guidés par la conviction que chaque pas en avant est un pas vers soi-même.  L’addiction au porno, c’est quoi ? L'addiction au porno, un sujet souvent murmuré mais rarement abordé avec la profondeur et la sensibilité qu'il mérite, se trouve au cœur de bien des questionnements personnels et sociétaux. L'addiction au porno se manifeste lorsque la consommation de contenus pornographiques prend le pas sur les activités quotidiennes, affectant négativement les relations, le travail, et le bien-être émotionnel. Ce n'est pas tant la fréquence de la consommation qui définit l'addiction, mais plutôt l'impact et la dépendance émotionnelle ou physique qu'elle engendre. D’où vient cette addiction ? Pour saisir l'essence de cette addiction, il est crucial de reconnaître les multiples facettes qui la composent. Souvent, elle prend racine dans un mélange complexe de recherche de plaisir, d'échappatoire à la réalité, de gestion de l'anxiété ou de la solitude, et parfois, de curiosité non assouvie. La facilité d'accès à ces contenus en ligne et l'anonymat qu'offre internet jouent un rôle non négligeable dans l'équation, rendant la pornographie à la fois omniprésente et discrètement consommable. L’impact de la pornographie sur le cerveau D'un point de vue neurologique, la consommation de porno stimule les centres de récompense du cerveau, libérant des neurotransmetteurs associés au plaisir, tels que la dopamine. Cette réaction chimique peut créer un cycle de dépendance, où le cerveau recherche constamment cette stimulation pour éprouver du plaisir ou un soulagement temporaire des tensions émotionnelles ou psychologiques. Comment savoir si je suis addict au porno ? Identifier les signes de l'addiction est une étape primordiale vers la compréhension et la guérison. Parmi ces signes, on note une consommation croissante de porno, au détriment d'autres activités ou intérêts, des tentatives répétées et infructueuses de réduire cette consommation, et des répercussions négatives sur les relations personnelles, professionnelles ou sur la santé mentale. Faire preuve de bienveillance envers soi-même et son partenaire Aborder l'addiction au porno avec bienveillance signifie reconnaître la complexité de l'expérience humaine et la diversité des parcours. Chez Goliate, nous vous invitons à explorer ce sujet avec ouverture et curiosité, en vous rappelant que chaque pas vers la compréhension est un pas vers soi-même. Ensemble, dans un esprit de non-jugement et d'acceptation, nous pouvons débuter le voyage vers une relation plus saine avec notre sexualité. Dans cette quête de compréhension, souvenons-nous que l'addiction au porno, comme toute addiction, est un signal, non pas de faiblesse, mais d'un besoin profond cherchant à être entendu et adressé. En levant le voile sur ce sujet, nous nous donnons les moyens de construire des ponts vers une vie équilibrée, où la sexualité occupe une place saine et épanouissante. Comment contrôler cette addiction ? Le premier pas vers le contrôle de l'addiction au porno réside dans la reconnaissance de son existence. Cette étape, bien que simple en apparence, demande courage et honnêteté. Accepter que l'on puisse être dépendant n'est pas un aveu de faiblesse, mais un acte de force, le début d'un dialogue intérieur constructif. Identifier les déclencheurs Comprendre ce qui pousse à la consommation compulsive de porno est essentiel. Stress, ennui, solitude, ou encore manque d'estime de soi, les déclencheurs peuvent être multiples et profondément personnels. Les identifier permet de développer des stratégies sur mesure pour les affronter et les dépasser. Créer de nouvelles habitudes Remplacer une habitude par une autre, plus saine et enrichissante, est une technique éprouvée dans la gestion des addictions. Que ce soit par le sport, l'art, la méditation, ou toute autre activité procurant satisfaction et bien-être, l'idée est de réorienter l'énergie vers des pratiques bénéfiques pour le corps et l'esprit. Vous pouvez aussi limiter la consommation de films et essayer d’autres approches comme celle des audios érotiques qui fait fureur auprès des femmes. Vous pouvez aussi lire des livres érotiques. Dans les deux cas, ces pratiques utilisent beaucoup plus la créativité et vont vous permettre de créer de nouvelles habitudes. Découvrir votre corps autrement Vous avez aussi la possibilité d’apprendre à découvrir d’autres zones érogènes de votre corps : caressez-vous, le torse, le visage, les fesses… Découvrez d’autres moyens de prendre du plaisir en douceur. Il y a même un mot pour ça et c’est le slow sex. Pour commencer cette pratique, vous pouvez aussi utiliser de l’huile de massage relaxante pour vous permettre de découvrir votre corps et de faire de même avec votre partenaire. Consulter un professionnel si besoin Parfois, l'aide d'un professionnel est nécessaire pour dénouer les fils complexes de l'addiction. Psychologues, thérapeutes, ou conseillers spécialisés peuvent offrir un accompagnement personnalisé, dans un cadre bienveillant et sans jugement. Vous pouvez trouver des sexologues accessibles en visio partout en France de manière très facile. Soyez patient Le chemin vers le contrôle de l'addiction est souvent non linéaire, parsemé de réussites et de rechutes. S'armer de patience et de compassion envers soi-même est crucial. Chaque jour est une nouvelle opportunité de progrès, chaque effort un pas de plus vers la liberté. Essayez les Thérapies Comportementales et Cognitives (TCC) La TCC est une approche thérapeutique efficace qui aide à identifier et à modifier les pensées et les comportements problématiques liés à l'addiction. En se concentrant sur les schémas de pensée actuels, la TCC encourage le développement de stratégies pour gérer les tentations et renforcer la maîtrise de soi. Évidemment, ce sont les professionnels du secteur mentionnés plus haut qui sont aptes à réaliser ces thérapies. Si vous voulez changer, vous pouvez y arriver ! En parcourant ensemble les méandres de l'addiction au porno, nous avons exploré diverses stratégies et approches pour reprendre le contrôle de notre vie sexuelle et émotionnelle. L'importance de comprendre les racines de cette addiction, d'adopter des habitudes saines, et de s'entourer d'un soutien solide et bienveillant ne peut être sous-estimée. Chez Goliate, nous croyons fermement à l'épanouissement personnel à travers une sexualité saine et éclairée. L'addiction au porno, comme toute autre forme de dépendance, est un défi complexe qui nécessite compassion, patience, et persévérance. Se libérer de ses chaînes est un voyage personnel, unique à chacun, mais il est important de se rappeler que vous n'êtes pas seul(e) dans cette quête. La communauté Goliate est là pour vous offrir un espace sécurisé, des ressources précieuses, et un soutien inconditionnel, n’hésitez pas à nous poser vos questions sur notre compte Instagram, on se fera un plaisir d’y répondre (en tout anonymat bien entendu).

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Comment bien se masturber quand on est un homme ?

Bienvenue dans un espace où la découverte de soi prend tout son sens, où la quête du plaisir personnel devient un voyage enrichissant et respectueux. La masturbation masculine, souvent entourée de mystères et de tabous, mérite d'être abordée avec ouverture, bienveillance et précision. C'est dans cet esprit que nous avons conçu ce guide : pour vous accompagner dans l'exploration de cette facette intime de votre sexualité, en vous offrant des clés pour une pratique épanouie et consciente. Dans notre société, où la sexualité est à la fois omniprésente et parfois mal comprise, il est essentiel de se réapproprier son propre corps et ses désirs. La masturbation n'est pas seulement un acte de plaisir ; c'est une porte vers une meilleure connaissance de soi, un moyen de découvrir ce qui nous fait réellement vibrer, loin des clichés et des attentes extérieures. Ce guide est pensé pour vous, hommes de tous horizons, désireux de naviguer les vagues de votre plaisir avec assurance et curiosité. Loin des idées reçues, nous aborderons ensemble l'art de la masturbation masculine sous toutes ses formes, en mettant en lumière ses bienfaits tant sur le plan physique que psychologique. Notre objectif ? Vous offrir les outils pour faire de cette pratique un moment de bien-être complet, une exploration joyeuse et sans jugement de votre corps et de vos sensations. Pourquoi la masturbation est-elle importante ? La masturbation, loin d'être un sujet tabou ou une simple quête de plaisir éphémère, représente une dimension fondamentale de la santé sexuelle et du bien-être personnel. Pour l'homme, comprendre et pratiquer la masturbation de manière éclairée et respectueuse de soi est essentiel pour plusieurs raisons, qui vont bien au-delà du simple acte physique. Découverte de soi et épanouissement personnel La masturbation offre une opportunité unique de découvrir son corps de manière intime et détaillée. C'est à travers cette pratique que beaucoup d'hommes apprennent ce qui leur procure du plaisir, comment ils aiment être touchés, et quelles sont les caresses qui éveillent leurs sens. Cette connaissance de soi est cruciale, non seulement pour l'épanouissement sexuel personnel mais aussi pour enrichir les expériences partagées avec un partenaire. Bienfaits sur la santé sexuelle Sur le plan de la santé sexuelle, la masturbation régulière a plusieurs avantages. Elle permet, entre autres, de maintenir une bonne fonction érectile, de réguler le désir sexuel et même de prévenir certains problèmes de prostate. De plus, elle offre un espace sûr pour expérimenter avec son corps sans les risques associés aux relations sexuelles avec partenaires, tels que les infections sexuellement transmissibles. Impact psychologique positif La masturbation peut également avoir un impact profondément positif sur la santé mentale. Elle aide à réduire le stress et l'anxiété, favorise une meilleure qualité de sommeil et peut augmenter l'estime de soi en renforçant la connexion avec son propre corps. Dans un monde où la pression et le stress sont omniprésents, se réserver des moments de plaisir personnel est une forme de soin de soi, un acte de bien-être qui mérite d'être valorisé. Les bases pour pratiquer la masturbation masculine La masturbation, une exploration personnelle du plaisir, varie d'un homme à l'autre. Cependant, certaines techniques de base se distinguent par leur popularité et leur efficacité. Ces méthodes offrent un point de départ pour ceux qui cherchent à enrichir leur expérience de la masturbation ou à découvrir de nouvelles façons de s'épanouir. Technique 1 : La prise classique La méthode la plus répandue implique l'utilisation de l'index et du majeur pour former un cercle autour du pénis, simulant ainsi un rapport sexuel. Cette technique, simple mais efficace, permet une grande variété de sensations en ajustant la pression, la vitesse, et le mouvement. Elle s'adapte à vos envies du moment, que vous recherchiez une stimulation douce ou plus intense. Technique 2 : L'utilisation de masturbateurs Pour ceux qui cherchent à diversifier leur expérience, l'utilisation de masturbateurs peut offrir des sensations nouvelles et intensément plaisantes. Ces jouets sexuels sont conçus pour simuler diverses expériences sexuelles, offrant des textures et des sensations variées comme ce masturbateur qui simule une fellation. Technique 3 : Les deux mains L'emploi des deux mains peut transformer l'acte de masturbation en une expérience plus enveloppante. En utilisant une main pour stimuler le pénis et l'autre pour caresser les testicules, le périnée, ou d'autres zones érogènes, vous pouvez explorer une gamme plus large de plaisirs et découvrir ce qui vous satisfait pleinement. Cette technique est même la base d’une pratique qui tarde à être découverte : la circlusion. Technique 4 : Sous la douche La masturbation sous la douche offre non seulement une facilité de nettoyage mais aussi la possibilité d'expérimenter avec l'eau comme élément de plaisir. La sensation de l'eau chaude coulant sur le corps peut être extrêmement agréable et ajouter une dimension sensuelle à votre routine de masturbation. Technique 5 : le plaisir anal Pour ceux qui sont curieux et ouverts à l'exploration, le plaisir anal quand on est un homme peut ouvrir la porte à des plaisirs profonds et intenses. Que ce soit avec des doigts ou des jouets spécifiquement conçus pour cette pratique, la stimulation de la prostate offre des sensations uniques et peut mener à des orgasmes d'une intensité remarquable. Comment améliorer l’expérience de masturbation ? La quête du plaisir personnel est un voyage sans fin, où chaque découverte ouvre la porte à de nouvelles sensations et expériences. Pour ceux qui cherchent à enrichir leur pratique de la masturbation, voici quelques conseils et techniques avancées pour transformer chaque moment en une exploration profonde et satisfaisante de votre sexualité. Choisir le bon lubrifiant Utiliser du lubrifiant peut radicalement changer votre expérience de masturbation. Les lubrifiants à base d'eau sont idéaux pour une utilisation avec des jouets sexuels et sont faciles à nettoyer, tandis que ceux à base de silicone offrent une sensation plus soyeuse et durable, parfaite pour une session prolongée. Expérimenter avec différents types peut vous aider à découvrir ce qui augmente le plus votre plaisir. Changer de techniques et de lieux Varier votre pratique peut revitaliser votre expérience de masturbation. Ne vous limitez pas à une seule méthode ou position ; explorez différentes façons de vous toucher et différents environnements pour le faire. La variété est le piment de la vie, et cela s'applique aussi à la masturbation. Explorer l’utilisation des jouets sexuels L'utilisation de sextoys n'est pas seulement pour les couples ; il existe une multitude de jouets conçus pour améliorer le plaisir masculin solo. Des anneaux péniens vibrants aux masturbateurs de dernière génération, l'ajout de jouets peut introduire des sensations inédites et intensifier votre plaisir. Stimuler son imagination Le porno est évidemment une solution facile pour stimuler son désir, mais de nouvelles pratiques existent et permettent d’être encore plus créatif. C’est notamment le cas des audios érotiques, qui vous embarquent dans des histoires très hot, tout en laissant votre imagination faire le travail. La masturbation, c’est bon pour le sommeil ! La détente physique et mentale qui suit l'orgasme peut faciliter l'endormissement et améliorer la qualité du sommeil. En abordant la masturbation avec curiosité, ouverture et respect de soi, chaque homme peut découvrir un monde de plaisir qui contribue à son épanouissement personnel et à sa santé globale. N'oubliez pas que le voyage vers une sexualité épanouie est unique à chacun ; explorez à votre rythme et selon vos désirs, en gardant à l'esprit que le plaisir personnel est un droit fondamental et une source de joie et de bien-être. Fréquence de la masturbation : trouver son équilibre La question de la fréquence de la masturbation est souvent source de curiosité, voire d'inquiétude, chez de nombreux hommes. Il est essentiel de comprendre que la masturbation est une pratique personnelle et que la "norme" en matière de fréquence varie grandement d'une personne à l'autre. L'important est de trouver un équilibre qui vous convient,en écoutant les besoins de votre corps et en respectant votre bien-être psychologique. Écouter son corps Votre corps est le meilleur guide pour déterminer la fréquence de masturbation idéale. Certains peuvent ressentir le besoin de se masturber quotidiennement, tandis que d'autres trouveront satisfaction avec une fréquence moindre. L'important est de ne jamais se forcer ni se restreindre outre mesure, tant que cela reste une pratique saine et équilibrée dans votre vie. Kiffez votre moment, il ne vous fera que plus de bien En conclusion, explorer les multiples facettes de la masturbation masculine n'est pas seulement un acte de plaisir personnel ; c'est une démarche profondément enrichissante qui ouvre la porte à une meilleure compréhension de soi et à une sexualité épanouie. À travers ce guide, nous avons parcouru ensemble des techniques variées, des conseils pratiques et des perspectives bienveillantes pour vous accompagner dans votre quête d'un plaisir solo authentique et satisfaisant. Chez Goliate, notre mission est de vous guider dans cette exploration avec respect, ouverture et expertise. Nous croyons fermement que chaque homme mérite d'accéder à une sexualité pleine et riche, où le plaisir se découvre sans tabous ni jugements.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Mais c'est quoi la taille moyenne des pénis (et comment dépasser le sujet)

Dans un monde où l'intimité et la sexualité occupent une place centrale dans notre quête du bien-être, la question de la taille du pénis émerge souvent, entourée de mystères, de questionnements et, parfois, d'inquiétudes. Chez Goliate, nous comprenons que ces interrogations vont bien au-delà de la simple curiosité; elles touchent à l'essence même de notre estime personnelle et de notre capacité à éprouver et partager le plaisir. C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé de lever le voile sur ce sujet délicat, en abordant avec vous, dans un esprit à la fois posé et pédagogique, la réalité autour de la taille moyenne du pénis. Notre objectif ? Vous fournir une perspective rassurante et éclairée, basée sur des données fiables et une approche bienveillante de la sexualité. Car oui, il est temps de déconstruire les mythes et de s'affranchir des tabous pour embrasser une vision plus saine et épanouie de notre intimité. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer ensemble non seulement ce que disent les études et les experts sur la taille du pénis, mais aussi et surtout comment cette question influence notre perception de la sexualité et de la performance. Nous vous proposerons des clés pour comprendre pourquoi, finalement, la taille ne devrait pas être une source de préoccupation, et comment chacun peut s'épanouir dans sa sexualité, indépendamment des standards et des comparaisons. C’est quoi la "taille moyenne" d’un pénis ? Dans notre exploration de la sexualité épanouie, la notion de taille moyenne du pénis occupe une place prépondérante, suscitant curiosité, questionnements, et parfois, inquiétudes. Chez Goliate, nous abordons ce sujet avec l'objectif de clarifier, rassurer et éduquer. Les chiffres sur les tailles de pénis Les études scientifiques nous offrent des données précieuses sur la taille moyenne du pénis, indiquant qu'en érection, elle se situe généralement entre 13 et 15 centimètres. Toutefois, il est crucial de souligner que ces chiffres représentent des moyennes et non des idéaux à atteindre. L'importance de ces moyennes doit être relativisée, car la satisfaction sexuelle et l'épanouissement dans l'intimité ne se mesurent pas en centimètres. La diversité des tailles de pénis est une manifestation de la variabilité naturelle de l'anatomie humaine, et chaque taille a sa place dans le spectre de la normalité. On est tous différent et la clé, c’est l’acceptation de soi Célébrer la diversité corporelle est essentiel pour cultiver l'acceptation de soi et une image corporelle positive. La pression exercée par les médias et les normes sociétales concernant la "taille idéale" peut conduire à des comparaisons inutiles et à une insatisfaction personnelle. Chez Goliate, nous encourageons chacun à reconnaître et à apprécier la beauté unique de son corps, indépendamment des standards extérieurs. L'acceptation de soi est la première étape vers une sexualité épanouie, où la confiance et la communication ouverte pavent la voie à des expériences intimes enrichissantes. La taille du pénis, n'est qu'un aspect parmi d'autres de la sexualité. Réévaluer son importance permet de rediriger l'attention vers des aspects plus essentiels de l'intimité, tels que la connexion émotionnelle, la communication, l'exploration mutuelle du plaisir et des zones érogènes. Une sexualité plus inclusive reconnaît la richesse des expériences et des plaisirs possibles, bien au-delà des préoccupations physiques. La perception sur la taille du pénis à un impact sur la sexualité La taille moyenne du pénis, bien qu'un simple aspect de notre anatomie, est chargée d'une lourde signification psychologique. Elle est souvent perçue comme un symbole de virilité, de puissance, et d'aptitude à satisfaire le partenaire. Cette charge symbolique peut influencer la confiance en soi et l'image corporelle, des facteurs cruciaux dans la quête d'une sexualité épanouie. Il est essentiel de démêler ces perceptions, souvent alimentées par des mythes et des comparaisons infondées, pour se réapproprier une vision plus saine et authentique de notre sexualité. Impact sur les relations intimes La préoccupation pour la taille du pénis peut avoir un impact significatif sur la communication au sein du couple et sur la capacité à vivre des moments d'intimité pleinement satisfaisants. Lorsque l'un des partenaires se sent préoccupé par la taille de son pénis, cela peut conduire à une réticence à parler ouvertement de sexualité, par crainte de jugement ou d'insuffisance. Cette réticence peut, à son tour, limiter les opportunités de partager des désirs et des fantasmes, réduisant ainsi la capacité du couple à explorer de nouvelles dimensions de leur intimité. La préoccupation excessive concernant la taille peut également affecter la confiance en soi lors des moments intimes, conduisant à une expérience sexuelle moins épanouissante pour les deux partenaires. L'anxiété de performance, alimentée par ces préoccupations, peut diminuer la présence et l'engagement dans l'acte sexuel, réduisant ainsi la capacité à ressentir et à procurer du plaisir. De plus, cette focalisation sur la taille du pénis peut détourner l'attention des nombreux autres aspects de la sexualité qui contribuent à une expérience intime riche et variée, tels que les préliminaires, la communication non verbale, et l'exploration de plaisirs alternatifs. Reprendre confiance en soi en étant original, c’est la clé Dans la quête d'une sexualité épanouie et d'une confiance en soi renforcée, s'aventurer dans des pratiques originales peut ouvrir de nouvelles portes vers l'intimité et le plaisir. Communiquer de manière crue sur ses désirs Le dirty talk, ou l'art de la conversation érotique, est une pratique fascinante pour intensifier le désir et renforcer le lien émotionnel entre partenaires. Parler de ses désirs, exprimer en mots ce qui nous excite, ou narrer des fantasmes peut non seulement augmenter l'excitation mais aussi offrir un espace où la taille devient un détail parmi l'immensité des plaisirs partagés. Cette communication intime invite à une exploration plus profonde des désirs de chacun, renforçant la confiance en soi et dans la relation. Prendre soin de l’autre Les préliminaires et les massages sexy en couple jouent également un rôle crucial dans la construction d'une intimité riche et satisfaisante. Ils permettent de ralentir le rythme, de se concentrer sur le moment présent et d'explorer le corps de l'autre avec attention et dévotion. Ces moments de découverte mutuelle sont essentiels pour créer une atmosphère de désir et de respect, où chaque caresse et chaque baiser contribuent à construire une expérience sexuelle pleine et épanouissante, loin des préoccupations superficielles. Tester les pratiques douces Enfin, le slow sex, tout comme le sexe vanille sont des approches qui privilégient la qualité de la connexion et l'intensité des sensations à la performance, offre une magnifique opportunité de redécouvrir le plaisir dans sa forme la plus pure. Cette pratique invite à savourer chaque instant, chaque toucher, en mettant de côté les objectifs traditionnels liés à l'orgasme pour se focaliser sur l'expérience sensuelle elle-même. Le slow sex est une célébration de l'intimité, où le temps semble suspendu, et où la taille du pénis perd toute son importance face à la profondeur de la connexion établie. Utiliser des jouets pour compenser ! Mais qui a dit que vous deviez faire jouir votre partenaire avec votre pénis ? Si vous êtes mal à l’aise avec la taille du vôtre, vous pouvez aussi utiliser des jouets pour faire monter votre partenaire au 7e ciel. Découvrez MyPleasure Plus qui, grâce au plaisir de la double stimulation sans concession, va vous permettre de faire un bien fou à votre partenaire. Conçu pour celles et ceux en quête d'une expérience de plaisir intensifiée, ce jouet innovant promet une exploration sans limites de la satisfaction. Notre rabbit se distingue par sa capacité à stimuler simultanément le point G et le clitoris, offrant ainsi une symphonie de sensations qui conduisent à des orgasmes profonds et mémorables. Sa conception ergonomique et son interface intuitive permettent une utilisation aisée, invitant à un voyage au cœur du plaisir, seul ou à deux. La clé, c’est questionner les standards liés à la taille du pénis La clé pour transcender les préoccupations liées à la taille du pénis et pour cultiver une sexualité épanouie réside dans notre capacité à questionner les standards établis. Ces normes, souvent véhiculées par les médias, la pornographie et les discours sociaux, façonnent notre perception de la masculinité et de la sexualité de manière restrictive. Interroger et remettre en question ces standards est essentiel pour déconstruire les mythes autour de la "taille idéale" et pour reconnaître l'impact nocif qu'ils peuvent avoir sur l'estime de soi et la satisfaction sexuelle. En ouvrant le dialogue sur la diversité des corps et des plaisirs, nous pouvons commencer à voir la taille du pénis comme une variante naturelle parmi tant d'autres, et non comme un critère de jugement ou de compétence sexuelle. Parallèlement, il est crucial de promouvoir une nouvelle définition de la normalité qui embrasse toutes les tailles, formes et apparences, célébrant ainsi la variété comme une expression de la beauté naturelle. Cette redéfinition passe par une éducation sexuelle inclusive et bienveillante, qui joue un rôle fondamental dans la formation d'une vision saine et équilibrée de la sexualité. Une éducation qui valorise la diversité et qui enseigne le respect de soi et des autres peut transformer radicalement la manière dont nous vivons notre sexualité. N'oubliez pas, le plus important n'est pas la taille, mais la qualité des moments partagés et l'intimité construite avec votre partenaire. Chez Goliate, nous sommes dédiés à vous aider à vivre une sexualité épanouie, pleine de découvertes et de plaisirs. Parce que, après tout, une vie sexuelle épanouie est une composante clé d'une vie heureuse et satisfaisante.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Plaisir Anal : notre guide complet pour une exploration douce

Dans l'univers infini de la sexualité, chaque exploration est une porte ouverte vers de nouvelles dimensions du plaisir, des territoires inconnus où chaque sensation est une découverte, chaque frisson une révélation. Le plaisir anal, souvent enveloppé de préjugés et de tabous, est pourtant riche d'un potentiel de jouissance profonde et inexplorée. Chez Goliate, nous croyons fermement que la sexualité est un espace de liberté et d'expression personnelle, où chaque curiosité mérite d'être explorée avec respect, douceur et ouverture d'esprit. C'est dans cet esprit que nous abordons le sujet du plaisir anal, non pas comme un ultime défi à relever, mais comme une invitation à découvrir une autre facette de notre intimité. Prêts à explorer de nouveaux horizons de plaisir ? Suivez-nous dans ce voyage où la douceur, l'écoute et le respect de soi sont les véritables clés d'une exploration épanouie. La préparation, c’est la clé du plaisir anal Aborder le plaisir anal requiert avant tout une préparation attentive, tant sur le plan physique que mental. Cette étape primordiale est le fondement d'une expérience à la fois agréable et épanouissante. Comprendre et respecter le processus de préparation est essentiel pour s'ouvrir en douceur à cette forme de plaisir, souvent entourée de mystères et de préjugés. Se détendre pour passer un bon moment La relaxation est le maître mot lorsqu'il s'agit d'explorer le plaisir anal. Le sphincter, ce muscle puissant qui garde l'entrée de notre intimité la plus secrète, ne s'ouvre pleinement que dans un état de détente profonde. Il est donc crucial de créer un environnement propice à la relaxation, où le temps semble suspendu, et où le corps et l'esprit peuvent s'abandonner à l'expérience sans retenue. Pour se faire, vous pouvez commencer votre moment à deux par réaliser un massage sexy pour créer une ambiance propice à la détente. Bien choisir le moment Choisir le bon moment est essentiel : un instant où les distractions sont loin, où le calme règne, permettant une immersion totale dans l'instant présent. Que ce soit lors d'un week-end tranquille ou pendant des vacances relaxantes, l'important est de se sentir en sécurité, à l'aise et libre de toute pression. La communication et le consentement Parler ouvertement de ses désirs, de ses craintes et de ses limites est fondamental. Que l'exploration se fasse en solo ou accompagné, s'accorder la permission de découvrir cette facette de sa sexualité est un acte de confiance et d'acceptation de soi. Dans le cadre d'une expérience partagée, le dialogue avec le partenaire est crucial pour établir un cadre de confiance mutuelle, où le consentement et le respect de l'autre sont primordiaux. Des préliminaires douces pour favoriser le plaisir anal Avant de s'aventurer plus loin, il est recommandé de commencer par des stimulations externes histoire de bien préparer l’acte anal. Masser délicatement la zone autour de l'anus, sans pression pour pénétrer, permet au corps de s'habituer à être touché dans cette région. La stimulation d'autres zones érogènes, comme le clitoris ou le pénis, peut également aider à détendre les muscles anaux, rendant l'expérience plus fluide et agréable. Utiliser des jouets dédiés au plaisir anal L'exploration du plaisir anal peut être grandement enrichie par l'introduction de sextoys conçus spécifiquement pour cette expérience. Ces outils, loin d'être de simples gadgets, sont de véritables alliés dans la découverte et l'appréciation des sensations anales. Ils permettent une approche progressive, contrôlée et surtout, adaptée à chaque étape de votre voyage vers le plaisir anal. Commencer avec des plugs anaux Les plugs anaux représentent souvent le premier pas dans l'utilisation de sextoys pour l'exploration anale. Leur forme ergonomique, conçue pour une insertion aisée et un port confortable, en fait un choix idéal pour les débutants. La base élargie des plugs assure une sécurité optimale, empêchant le jouet de s'enfoncer trop profondément. Utiliser des sextoys à base large Si vous n’avez pas de plug sous la main, vous pourrez piocher dans votre tiroir à jouets pour choisir un sextoy adapté. Le conseil principal est de choisir un jouet avec une base ou un retour comme notre vibromasseur Rabbit. En effet, le pouvoir de succion de l’anus peut être très important alors il est recommandé de ne pas utiliser un jouet sans base plus large. Avec notre Rabbit, vous serez 100% safe pour la pratique anale. Comment pratiquer l’anal dans les règles de l’art ? Absolument utiliser du lubrifiant L'utilisation de tout sextoy anal doit être accompagnée d'une lubrification abondante. Le lubrifiant facilite l'insertion et rend l'expérience plus agréable et exempte de douleur. Optez pour des lubrifiants à base d'eau qui sont recommandés quand il y a utilisation de jouets en prime. Vous pouvez évidemment utiliser notre lubrifiant naturel qui est complètement adapté à l’usage anal et à l’usage avec des jouets. L’hygiène est super importante L'entretien et la propreté de vos sextoys anaux sont primordiaux pour l’usage anal. Nettoyez-les avant et après chaque utilisation selon les instructions du fabricant pour garantir une expérience à la fois sûre et hygiénique. L’hygiène est aussi importante dans la pratique anale en tant que tel, une petite douche avant de passer à l’acte peut être agréable pour vous et votre partenaire ! Aussi, si vous pratiquez la pénétration anale, éviter de pratiquer ensuite une pénétration vaginale car elle pourrait favoriser l’apparition d’infections vaginales. Si vous souhaitez le faire tout de même, changez de préservatif entre les deux pénétrations. Et c’est d’ailleurs le moment de rappeler que c’est essentiel de vous protéger avec un préservatif si vous et votre partenaire n’avez pas fait les tests nécessaires en bonne et due forme. Partez à la découverte de l’anal mais soyez à l’écoute de votre corps En parcourant ensemble les contours délicats et profonds du plaisir anal, nous avons levé le voile sur une pratique souvent mal comprise, entourée de mystères et de tabous. Loin de se limiter à une simple quête de sensations nouvelles, l'exploration du plaisir anal se révèle être un voyage intime vers une compréhension plus profonde de notre corps, de nos désirs et de nos limites. Nous vous invitons à poursuivre cette exploration avec curiosité et ouverture d'esprit, en vous rappelant que la clé d'une expérience enrichissante réside dans la communication, l'écoute de soi et de l'autre, et l'adoption de pratiques sécuritaires et respectueuses. Si cet article a éveillé en vous l'envie d'explorer davantage les vastes horizons de votre sexualité, nous vous encourageons à parcourir nos autres conseils sur le sujet !

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Orgasme mammaire : guide complet pour explorer le plaisir des seins !

Dans notre quête infinie du plaisir et de la connaissance de soi, il existe des territoires du corps encore enveloppés de mystère et de curiosité. Parmi eux, l'orgasme mammaire se dresse comme une énigme fascinante, souvent méconnue, mais pourtant qui vaut largement le coup d’être découvert ! L'orgasme mammaire, cette symphonie de sensations qui prend naissance au cœur de la poitrine, invite à une exploration délicate et profonde nos corps. Il nous rappelle que le plaisir ne se limite pas aux zones érogènes traditionnellement reconnues, mais qu'il est une expérience holistique, capable de surgir de chaque parcelle de notre être. Dans un monde où la sexualité féminine continue de se libérer des chaînes des tabous et des idées reçues, parler d'orgasme mammaire, c'est ouvrir une porte vers une intimité plus riche, vers une compréhension plus intime de ce qui nous fait vibrer. C'est reconnaître que le corps de la femme est une source inépuisable de plaisir, dont les secrets ne demandent qu'à être dévoilés. Qu'est-ce que l'orgasme mammaire ? L'orgasme mammaire, ou l'art de découvrir le plaisir à travers la stimulation des seins, invite à repenser notre approche du plaisir sexuel. Traditionnellement, la quête du plaisir est souvent centrée sur les zones génitales, occultant ainsi la richesse érogène d'autres parties du corps. Pourtant, les seins, et plus spécifiquement les mamelons, sont dotés d'une sensibilité qui peut, sous une stimulation adéquate, conduire à des orgasmes d'une intensité surprenante. Mais comment peut-on avoir un orgasme des seins ? Des études scientifiques ont mis en lumière la manière dont la stimulation des mamelons active des zones du cerveau associées au plaisir sexuel, similaires à celles sollicitées lors d'une stimulation génitale. Cette découverte souligne l'importance de considérer le corps dans sa globalité lorsqu'il s'agit de plaisir, rappelant que chaque centimètre de notre peau peut devenir une porte d'entrée vers des expériences extatiques. Aborder l'orgasme mammaire, c'est donc inviter à un voyage de découverte et de redécouverte de soi, où la curiosité et l'expérimentation jouent un rôle clé. Il s'agit de s'ouvrir à de nouvelles dimensions du plaisir, en explorant avec douceur et attention les réponses de notre corps à différentes formes de caresses, de pressions et de stimulations. En somme, l'orgasme mammaire n'est pas seulement une voie vers un plaisir inédit ; il est également une invitation à repenser et à enrichir notre relation à notre sexualité. En délaissant les sentiers battus pour s'aventurer sur des chemins moins explorés de notre intimité, nous nous donnons la possibilité de vivre des moments de connexion profonde avec nous-même, révélant ainsi la véritable étendue de notre capacité à ressentir du plaisir. L’importance du cerveau dans le plaisir sexuel Le cerveau, cet organe complexe et fascinant, traite les informations sensorielles qu'il reçoit pour les transformer en sensations de plaisir. Lorsque nous parlons d'orgasme mammaire, nous faisons référence à une expérience où la stimulation des seins et des mamelons envoie des signaux électriques au cerveau, qui les interprète ensuite comme des sensations agréables, voire extatiques. Des recherches ont démontré que la stimulation des mamelons active des zones du cerveau similaires à celles stimulées lors d'une excitation génitale, soulignant ainsi l'universalité du plaisir et sa capacité à transcender les frontières physiques. Cette découverte met en lumière la nécessité de considérer le plaisir sexuel comme une expérience holistique, où le mental et le physique s'entrelacent de manière indissociable. L'orgasme mammaire, dans ce cadre, n'est pas seulement le résultat d'une stimulation physique ; il est également le fruit d'une disposition mentale ouverte et réceptive au plaisir sous toutes ses formes. Aborder l'orgasme mammaire sous cet angle nous invite à cultiver une relation plus profonde et plus consciente avec notre corps. Il s'agit de reconnaître et d**'apprécier la capacité de notre esprit à amplifier, à moduler et à enrichir notre expérience du plaisir.** Cette prise de conscience nous encourage à explorer notre sexualité avec curiosité, à expérimenter sans jugement et à accueillir les multiples facettes de notre désir. Comment devenir un.e pro de la stimulation mammaire ? L'exploration de l'orgasme mammaire nous conduit naturellement vers la question cruciale des techniques de stimulation. Comment éveiller cette source de plaisir souvent négligée ? La réponse réside dans une approche douce, attentive et exploratoire, qui prend en compte la singularité de chaque corps. Créer une atmosphère agréable Avant de plonger dans les techniques spécifiques, il est essentiel de souligner l'importance de l'atmosphère. Pour que l'expérience soit pleinement satisfaisante, il faut créer un environnement qui invite à la détente et à l'intimité. Une lumière tamisée, une musique douce, une température agréable : tous ces éléments contribuent à préparer le corps et l'esprit à un voyage sensoriel comme lorse que vous préparez un petit massage sexy en couple. Partir à la découverte des sensations La stimulation des seins et des mamelons peut débuter par de simples caresses, explorant la surface avec la paume des mains ou le bout des doigts. Cette approche initiale permet de réveiller la sensibilité de la zone et de préparer le terrain pour des stimulations plus directes. Utiliser des huiles de massages ou des crèmes peut non seulement faciliter le contact, mais aussi ajouter une couche supplémentaire de sensation. Les mouvements peuvent varier en intensité et en rythme, allant de douces pressions circulaires autour des mamelons à des pétrissages plus appuyés de l'ensemble du sein. Stimuler les mamelons Les mamelons, en tant que centres nerveux, jouent un rôle clé dans l'orgasme mammaire. Leur stimulation peut se faire de multiples façons : pincements légers, succion, utilisation de jouets sexuels spécifiques comme des vibromasseurs pour mamelons ou encore des plumes et autres accessoires pour varier les sensations. Amplifier le plaisir mammaire avec des accessoires L'aventure vers l'orgasme mammaire ne se limite pas aux caresses et aux techniques manuelles. L'univers des jouets et des accessoires érotiques offre une palette de possibilités pour enrichir et diversifier l'expérience sensorielle. L'utilisation judicieuse de ces outils peut transformer la quête du plaisir mammaire en une exploration encore plus profonde et gratifiante. Vibromasseurs pour Mamelons Les vibromasseurs spécialement conçus pour les mamelons sont des alliés précieux dans la stimulation de cette zone érogène. Leur capacité à fournir des vibrations ciblées permet d'activer les terminaisons nerveuses de manière intense, ouvrant la voie à des sensations nouvelles et à une potentialisation de l'orgasme mammaire. Si vous n’en n'avez pas un sous la main, vous pouvez aussi facilement utiliser des aspirateurs de clitoris pour aspirer les tétons et ressentir du plaisir. Essayez les pinces-tétons Pour celles et ceux qui apprécient une stimulation plus directe, les pinces à mamelons offrent une expérience de plaisir unique. En exerçant une pression modulable sur les mamelons, ces accessoires peuvent intensifier la sensibilité de la zone et décupler les sensations lors de la stimulation. Il est important de commencer doucement et d'ajuster la pression selon le niveau de confort et d'excitation. Testez les plumes L'utilisation de plumes ou d'autres accessoires de sensation, tels que des fouets doux ou des pinceaux, peut ajouter une dimension de jeu préliminaire excitante. La légèreté des caresses, contrastant avec des stimulations plus directes, prépare le corps à une réceptivité accrue et peut amplifier l'intensité de l'orgasme mammaire. Utilisez des huiles de massages Les huiles et les crèmes conçues pour éveiller les sens peuvent également jouer un rôle clé dans l'exploration de l'orgasme mammaire. Appliquées sur les seins et les mamelons, elles peuvent augmenter la sensibilité de la peau et enrichir les sensations tactiles. Certaines formulations offrent des effets chauffants ou rafraîchissants, ajoutant une couche supplémentaire de stimulation sensorielle. En ce qui concerne les produits Goliate, on vous conseille vivement notre huile de massage comestible qui sera parfaite pour ensuite embrasser les tétons de votre partenaire. La clé pour réussir un orgasme mammaire, c’est le partage ! L'exploration de l'orgasme mammaire peut clairement devenir une aventure partagée, enrichie par la présence et la participation d'un partenaire. La première étape vers une exploration partagée réussie de l'orgasme mammaire réside dans la communication ouverte et le consentement mutuel. Discuter de ses désirs, de ses limites et de ses attentes crée un cadre de confiance et de respect, essentiel pour une expérience positive. C'est dans cet espace sécurisé que le partenaire peut devenir un véritable allié dans la quête du plaisir. L'expérience de l'orgasme mammaire en couple peut être intensifiée par la synchronisation des sensations : et si vous testiez ça en même temps. L’un stimule les mamelons de l’autre et inversement. Si les tétons sont trop sensibles, vous pouvez aussi stimuler d'autres zones érogènes en parallèle, créant une symphonie de plaisirs qui se répondent et s'amplifient mutuellement. N'oubliez pas, le chemin vers le plaisir est aussi unique que vous. Prenez le temps de vous découvrir, de vous chérir et de célébrer chaque aspect de votre sexualité. Le plaisir est un droit, une source de joie et de bien-être. Embrassez-le, explorez-le et, surtout, partagez-le.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Understanding everything about sexual breakdowns

Sexual breakdown results in a disorder of sexual function . If you think it only concerns men, you are wrong. Many women also experience sexual difficulties . The difference lies in the symptoms. The Lilly laboratories on French sexuality conducted a survey on sexual dysfunction . According to the results, it has already affected 42% of men and 38% of women. With age, the problem becomes more and more frequent. Faced with sexual dysfunctions , panicking is useless. Every problem has a solution ! That said, you probably need to explore your sexuality to find solutions so that sexual dysfunction does not harm your life as a couple. Why can we have sexual breakdowns? Knowing the causes of your sexual breakdown allows you to find the appropriate solutions. Here are the factors that can cause desire disorders. The stress It is the first enemy of a fulfilling sex life . Stress is a sneaky evil and it brings with it various psychological and physiological problems. It promotes sexual disorders . First of all, stress causes significant mental preoccupation. It leads to a lack of concentration which will harm your sexual activity . It will be impossible for you to enjoy a naughty moment. In cases of intense and chronic stress, other psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression can occur. All this discomfort will trigger a series of problems, namely: the difficulty of letting go during the act , which prevents orgasm during sexual intercourse, the probable inability to maintain an erection for a long time, loss of sexual performance or premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or male impotence. You should also know that stress reduces the production of norepinephrine . However, a deficiency in this hormone leads to a drop in arousal , which will deteriorate the quality of the sexual relationship. Organic causes of sexual dysfunction Did you know that certain pathologies can cause sexual dysfunction ? By causing damage to the blood vessels, they reduce the flow of blood to the genitals. However, this increases the risk of sexual disorders . Do you have an erection problem ? You may develop one of the following conditions: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, increased cholesterol levels in the blood. Hormonal deficiency extends the list of organic causes of sexual dysfunction . A drop in sex hormone levels, for example, leads to male impotence . Thyroid hormone deficiency will also have the same effect. Also, it is also possible that the sexual disorder is one of the side effects of medical treatment . In this case, it will disappear after your recovery. Finally, age is another factor that increases the risk of sexual dysfunction . If you are in one of these cases, we strongly recommend that you consult a sexologist to find out more about your problem. The Sexologues France platform brings together certified sexologists who you can consult by video or directly in the office! We recommend! Take care of yourself to avoid sexual breakdowns To help you avoid sexual breakdown by taking good care of yourself. Adopt a healthy lifestyle How to avoid erection problems or other sexual disorders ? Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the first solution required. Focus on a balanced and varied diet. You also avoid any risk of developing erectile problems by reducing consumption: sugar, salt, fats, tobacco, of alcoholic beverages. A healthy lifestyle obviously includes practicing regular sport. It is an anti-stress par excellence. In addition, it optimizes the production of the happiness hormone. This is how it becomes an ally in the fight against sexual dysfunction . Improve sleep and promote relaxation Good sleep is an ally in combating sexual dysfunction . If you don't sleep well, you will develop various health problems such as: heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity. However, you know well that these are organic causes of sexual disorders . So, improve the quality of your sleep! Relaxation before sex is also an absolute necessity. For the technique to adopt, you have the choice between: the hot bath, the meditation session, the yoga session, massage, some reading…. Increase excitement and reduce performance pressure Increasing arousal means increasing the intensity of desire and pleasure. The question is: how to proceed? Learn to manage your stress first! Then, you must adopt various techniques to stimulate the production of endorphin, the feel-good hormone . Some foods known for their aphrodisiac properties can also help you increase arousal , such as: chocolate, coriander, ginger, oysters, calf’s liver…. In addition to all of this, you need to let go of sexual performance anxiety . This is a problem that mainly affects men. The fear of not being able to satisfy the other sexually will automatically generate stress. If you allow yourself to be trapped by this discomfort, you will expose yourself to erectile problems. Finally, using sex toys or sex toys is also a good option. They help to optimize pleasures and stimulate sexual desire . Talk about the subject without taboo with your partner A sexual breakdown is not a taboo subject. To manage it well, you must discuss it with your partner. Mockery or reproach are clearly behaviors that should not be used in this type of case. It is important to make her understand that this breakdown was not a failure, neither for you nor for her, but that it can happen. To approach the subject lightly, you can also use humor . The most important thing is to dialogue, this will bring you closer together and allow you to boost mutual trust. This rapprochement will allow you to overcome the sexual breakdown together. When should I really worry? Of course, sexual dysfunction affects everyone. That said, there is a big difference between an occasional problem and recurring erectile dysfunction . If the breakdown repeats itself, consultation with a sexologist is necessary. This specialist can guide you towards the appropriate medical approach and possible treatments to take. But you also need psychological support, which a sexologist is generally able to provide you. Women can have sexual breakdowns too Female sexual dysfunction is not a myth! It manifests itself by a loss of desire or lack of interest in sexual intercourse. It also causes various problems such as vaginal dryness, making penetration painful. If this happens to you, there is a solution possible. It consists of using gels or natural lubricants. These products have been designed to facilitate vaginal lubrication, to eliminate pain and optimize your sensation of pleasure. Asking for help or erotic advice is also a good idea. No stress, breakdowns can be managed! Are you experiencing a sexual breakdown ? Stay calm ! It's a problem that can be managed. Here's what you need to do: take care of yourself and manage your stress, establish dialogue, because it will allow you to overcome this impasse together, practice slow sex so as not to have the pressure of an erection, Make an appointment with a sexologist if the problem persists. But what you really need to do is change the way you perceive the problem. In other words : play down the situation, take a positive approach by trying to resolve the problem together, have sex differently: use massage oils to have a pleasant time for example, focus on the future and stay optimistic!

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

But then, have you already simulated it too?

Simulating orgasm is pretending to reach seventh heaven . It must be said that this should be the purpose of sexual intercourse . If you have already simulated, tell yourself that you are not a rare case. The survey published by the sex toy brand Amorelie in 2022 states that simulation concerns 49% of French people. 67% of them are women. Why pretend to feel pleasure when you don't? What are the consequences of faking an orgasm ? Why do we choose to simulate during certain reports? Researchers have tried to identify the causes of orgasm simulation . But erotic pleasures are difficult subjects to talk about. Finding simulators who agree to testify is not easy. But here is some information that might clear things up for you. Differences between men and women in orgasm simulation It is often said that simulating sexual orgasm is a woman's business. However, this is not entirely true. An Ifop study for the Online Séduction site in 2019 revealed that 42% of men surveyed have already simulated. The question that arises is: how is this possible? It must be said that orgasm is always associated with ejaculation in men . This is a mechanical proof that is difficult to simulate. But that's not entirely true. A man can reach ecstasy long before ejaculation. More precisely, he can have orgasm without having ejaculated and vice versa. For women, pretending is rather simple, since everything happens in appearance. To simulate, the recipe is simple: reproduce certain common reactions linked to orgasm, including cries and muscle contractions. Psychological and relational reasons First of all, it should be noted that orgasm is characterized by a peak of pleasure felt after stimulation of the erogenous zones . For women, the source of enjoyment can vary since the female organism is quite complex. So know that orgasm can be clitoral . It was caused by stimulation of the clitoris. If it is triggered by penetration, it is called a vaginal orgasm . Some women also manage to climax following simple caresses or even with anal penetration. But the female orgasm can also be mixed, both clitoral and vaginal. Finally, there are those who orgasm through g-spot stimulation. According to researchers, orgasm simulation has psychological reasons such as: the desire to protect one's partner and not hurt them, the desire to please or make one’s partner happy, the desire to end an unpleasant sexual relationship, not feeling sexual desire, the inability to let go. But orgasm simulation can also have relational reasons . Indeed, for some people, it is a way of expressing their feelings. They let themselves be caught up in the excitement and love felt during the sexual act . The fake orgasm therefore does them good. But it also happens that it is linked to fear of judgment from others. The simulation is therefore orchestrated out of fear or following a feeling of insecurity. Simulating is not great for our relationships as a couple Is simulating an orgasm cheating? If you are asking yourself this question, it is because you feel guilty for having done this. In reality, faking orgasms is not a good solution. The consequences of such a decision can be really unpleasant for you and your partner. Impact on trust and communication in the couple In the majority of cases, the sexual act is supposed to give you intense pleasure. It happens through mutual desire. Thus, feelings of pleasure should be shared. Even if sometimes, we can also have maximum pleasure by practicing sex in a gentler way ( slow sex , circumclusion , etc.) If you are faking for the sole purpose of shortening this intimate moment , you need to ask yourself questions. It is the same if you simulate out of constraint with the sole aim of meeting your partner's expectations. In these cases, the simulation of orgasm can practically harm the development of your relationship. It indeed indicates a lack of communication and trust. You prefer to live in illusion instead of recognizing that there is a problem. Long-term effects on sexual satisfaction Looking for a satisfying and enjoyable sex life ? This is simply impossible if you always pretend to feel the pleasure that doesn't exist. Sexual relations will become a source of frustration for you. Over time, you will end up feeling cheated and jaded, especially when the pretense is recurring. What if we stopped pretending? You should know first of all that orgasm is not an obligation. So, stop pretending! That said, for your intimate moments to bring you pleasure , you must start by being honest. Tell your partner the truth! After all, sexuality should not be a taboo subject in a relationship. On the contrary, it is the glue that will strengthen your relationship. So here is what you will need to do: Express your expectations and fantasies so that your next sexual relationship is perfect, Discuss together if you have a problem with sexual dysfunction. Attention ! You need to approach the subject tactfully so as not to hurt your partner's self-esteem. He must not feel that he is a bad move. Avoid talking about your past experiences or making comparisons. We need to talk about the present problem, and in a positive way. How to satisfy yourself and your other half to stop pretending? Here are some tips that will allow you to fully enjoy your intimate moments and avoid faking an orgasm . Importance of knowing your own body Knowing your genitals , your erogenous zones and your source of pleasure is important. But you also need to talk about it with your partner, hence the need to communicate well. He will then know how to give you pleasure . You should also remember that vaginal penetration is the last stage of a sexual act. The intimate moment should begin with foreplay and games. They allow you to optimize desire and level of excitement. They also promote lubrication of the vagina , which facilitates penetration. Role of toys and sexual aids You should also know that there are different ways to trigger orgasm. Instead of simulating, it is better to resort to these techniques. One of them is to use adult toys or sex toys. They allow you to achieve different erotic pleasures. For example, you can test the clitoral stimulator and vibrator, to do this, you will love The Amazing ! It will allow you to reach ecstasy in no time. There are also products designed to remedy the vaginal lubrication problem and it is strongly recommended to use natural lubricant . This effectively prevents orgasm and female ejaculation. Asking an expert for sex aids is also a good idea. His advice and tips will allow you to increase your feelings of pleasure in bed. So, ready to be 100% sincere with your partners? Faking orgasm isn't really cheating in some cases. But nothing beats honesty and sincerity. Over time, faking will eventually deteriorate your sexual satisfaction. It can also harm your relationship . In addition, being sincere with your partner means letting go . The inability to achieve orgasm can actually be caused by: a psychological blockage, a lack of self-confidence, a communication problem. If you want to have a fulfilling sex life , focus on sincerity! Dare to talk about it with your partner so that you no longer have to simulate an orgasm !

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Exploring pegging

In the vast universe of sexuality, where each desire is a door to new horizons, there is a daring practice that invites us to redefine pleasures and break conventions: pegging. Pegging isn't just about positions or accessories; it is an invitation to explore, without prejudice, the depths of our intimacy, where taboo gives way to an exhilarating freedom. In this article, we will reveal the secrets of pegging. From its definition to its benefits, including the techniques for a fulfilling practice, we guide you step by step in this universe where pleasure is combined in the plural . Whether you are a curious novice or an expert looking for new perspectives, this journey to the heart of pegging promises to transform your vision of sexuality. What is pegging? Pegging, in simple terms, is the act where a person, usually a woman, penetrates their partner, often a man, anally, using a pleasure accessory . This practice, far from being a simple role reversal, is a sensual dance of power, confidence and shared pleasure. It allows everyone to explore new facets of their sexuality, discover new sensations and deepen the connection with their partner. Gender dynamics in pegging Pegging transcends preconceived ideas about gender roles in sexuality. It invites deeper reflection on how we perceive pleasure, power and vulnerability in our intimate relationships. In this practice, the person who penetrates is not necessarily the one who dominates ; Rather, pegging is a balanced exchange of control and letting go, where each partner has the opportunity to explore and express different aspects of their sexuality. This reversal of traditional roles can be incredibly liberating. It offers a new perspective on sexuality, where pleasure is not dictated by norms, but by curiosity, mutual respect and the desire to discover together. Why does pegging feel good? The prostate , often compared to the female G-spot, is a key erogenous zone in men , capable of providing sensations of rarely equaled intensity. In pegging, stimulation of the prostate is not a simple mechanical act; it is a sensual dance, a game of discovery where each movement can trigger waves of deep pleasure. This exploration not only allows you to access more intense orgasms, but also to discover a new dimension of male sexuality, often neglected in traditional practices. I want to try pegging: how do I go about it? Bring up the conversation with your partner In the world of pegging, the first step is often the most delicate: broaching the subject with your partner. This conversation, far from being a simple exchange, is a bridge to deeper intimacy . It is about opening a space for dialogue where desires, sometimes silenced, can be expressed freely. To begin this discussion, choose a favorable moment, where complicity is present, and approach the subject gently and openly. Honestly share your apprehensions and desires Talking about pegging also means sharing your desires, your curiosities, but also your apprehensions. It is essential to clearly communicate why this practice intrigues or attracts you. Explain what you expect from it, and also listen to your partner's reactions. This transparency creates a climate of trust and mutual respect, essential for exploring new erotic territories. Overcoming preconceived ideas Pegging is often surrounded by prejudice and misunderstanding. It is crucial to confront them together, to demystify preconceived ideas to see this practice in a new light . Openly discuss stereotypes, fears, and possible psychological barriers. This approach is a step towards a freer and more fulfilled sexuality, where taboos give way to curiosity and exploration. Find common ground In this common quest, it is important to build common ground. Pegging should be a shared experience, where both partners feel comfortable and excited about the idea. Always respect each other's boundaries and move at a pace that suits both of you. Consent and comfort are the keys to a successful and rewarding pegging experience. The practice of Pegging Confidence leads to seduction Pegging, this intimate dance where roles intertwine, requires a setting where confidence and seduction reign. Before you get started, it is essential to create a space that invites relaxation and the awakening of the senses . Imagine a cozy cocoon, subdued lighting, captivating music in the background – a place where everyday life fades away, giving way to intimacy and discovery. Listen to your bodies When you begin pegging, remember that gentleness is key. Every gesture, every movement must be guided by listening and understanding the needs of others. Communication is your ally: talk, share your feelings, adjust your pace according to your partner's reactions. What accessories to start pegging? The choice of accessories for pegging is a fundamental element of this practice. Select suitable toys that respect everyone’s comfort and limits. Here are the key accessories that you absolutely must have on hand: A natural intimate lubricant , to ensure that the practice is done gently A natural anal relaxant if you want to ensure that the practice will be pain-free An anal plug to start the practice slowly (and just your fingers will do the trick too!) And then what do we do ? Share a moment of tenderness After an experience as intense as pegging, a moment of aftercare, of care and mutual attention, is essential. It's an opportunity to get together, share caresses, sweet words, and bathe in the warmth of the moment. This step, often neglected, is nevertheless crucial for strengthening the emotional bond and trust between partners. To help you, you can also practice slow sex regularly , just to learn how to take care of yourself and your partner. Share these moments as a couple Take the time to discuss your experience, express what you felt, what you liked or what could be improved. This open communication is the key to understanding each person's needs and wants , and to making future pegging experiences even more rewarding. Explore new ways to treat yourself Don’t hesitate to experiment and vary your practices. Pegging can be the start of a path towards a richer and more diverse sexuality. Explore together other forms of erotic play, other accessories, other scenarios. Each new exploration is a chance to discover new aspects of your sexuality and that of your partner. So, are you tempted by pegging? So, dear readers, here we are at the end of this exquisite journey through the captivating twists and turns of pegging. We explored together the contours of this practice, revealing its secrets, its pleasures, and above all, its incredible potential to enrich and diversify our erotic universe. Pegging, much more than a simple practice, is an ode to freedom, an anthem to the exploration of our deepest desires. It invites us to push the boundaries of our intimacy, to question our roles, and to embrace a sexuality that is richer, more open, and infinitely more rewarding.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Reinventing your sexuality with circumclusion: new perspectives

In the infinite universe of sexuality, where each caress, each breath, each movement writes a unique story, a term emerges from the silence and arouses curiosity: circumclusion. This word, with its almost mystical sound, opens the doors to deep reflection on our intimate practices, our hidden desires, and the often unexplored paradigms of our intimacy. But what exactly is circumclusion? Far from being a simple neologism, this concept, born from the pen of a feminist thinker, invites us to rethink sexuality beyond established norms, beyond traditionally glorified penetration. It is an invitation to explore a world where pleasure is redefined, where roles are reversed and intertwined, where each partner becomes an actor and creator of their own pleasure. In this article, we will reveal the secrets of circclusion. We will explore its origins, its meaning, and above all, how it can transform the way we experience sexuality. Whether you are a novice or an expert in the field, let yourself be guided on this journey to the heart of the circle, where each discovery promises to enrich your sensual universe. Circlusion: what are we talking about? What does circumclusion really embody? Born from the enlightened mind of German feminist writer Bini Adamczak in 2016, circumclusion is much more than just a word. It's a response, a bold counterpoint to penetration, often seen as the alpha and omega of sexuality. If penetration is the act of introducing, of inserting, circumclusion is defined by the act of surrounding, of covering, of actively receiving . Imagine for a moment: a world where sexuality is no longer unidirectional, but a dialogue, a balanced exchange where each partner is both giver and receiver. In circumclusion, power and pleasure are no longer the prerogative of the person who enters, but shared, co-created in an act of union where everyone is fully involved. This redefinition invites us to rethink our most intimate interactions. It pushes us to recognize that in the sexual act, each partner, whether penetrating or penetrated, plays an active and powerful role. By adopting circumclusion in our language and our practice, we transform our way of experiencing sexuality, of feeling it, of sharing it. It is an invitation to explore, to experiment, to rediscover our body and that of our partners in a new, more balanced and harmonious light. Circlusion and penetration: excellent complementarity In the ballet of sexuality, where every movement counts and every gesture has its meaning, circumclusion and penetration play out together, not as opposites, but as complementary partners. By integrating circumclusion into our range of sexual practices, we open the door to a more balanced sexuality . We recognize that pleasure is not unidirectional, but an exchange, a continuous flow between partners. Circlusion teaches us that in this exchange, each partner, whether the one who penetrates or the one who is penetrated, has an active role to play, a unique contribution to make. This complementarity between circumclusion and penetration invites us to rethink traditional roles in sexuality. It pushes us to question preconceived ideas about assets and liabilities, about the giver and the receiver. It goes beyond penetrative pleasure and is even better when accompanied: With our natural lubricant : to be able to have a pleasant experience during this practice With other facilitators of the sexual experience such as our sensual massage oil which allows you to gently discover your partner's body Circlusion allows a new approach to sexuality Circulation is not just a sexual practice; it’s a cultural revolution. It invites us to rethink our preconceived ideas about sexuality, to deconstruct established norms and to consider pleasure in a new light. This concept pushes us to question traditional power dynamics and to consider a more egalitarian and inclusive sexuality. Shared pleasure and fairness in sex In circumclusion, the notion of domination , often associated with penetration, is called into question. It is no longer a question of who dominates and who is dominated , but rather how each partner can actively contribute to the shared pleasure. Circlusion teaches us that pleasure is an egalitarian playing field, where each person has a role to play, without dominance or submission. A new approach to pleasure By adopting the term circclusion, we are adopting a new language to talk about sexuality . This more inclusive and balanced language reflects a more holistic approach to pleasure, where every aspect of the sexual act is valued. It’s also a great way to make the pleasure last longer ! Who can explore the circumclusion? The beauty of circularity lies in its universality. This concept transcends genders, sexual orientations and practices. It offers a new perspective, a new way of living and feeling sexuality that is accessible to everyone. Whether we are in a heterosexual, homosexual, or other relationship, circumclusion invites us to rethink our way of giving and receiving pleasure. Circlusion in heterosexual relationships In heterosexual relationships, circumclusion can be seen as an invitation to explore beyond traditional roles . She encourages partners to experiment with dynamics where fun and initiative are not limited by gender norms. It is an opportunity for men and women to rediscover their sexuality, to open up to new forms of pleasure and intimacy. Diversity of sexual practices Circlusion also enriches sexual practices outside the heteronormative framework. It offers a new dimension to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer relationships, emphasizing reciprocity, creativity and equitable sharing of pleasure. In each interaction, circumclusion makes it possible to recognize and value the active contribution of each partner. Circlusion symbol of inclusiveness Ultimately, circumclusion is a symbol of inclusiveness and diversity in sexuality. She reminds us that pleasure and intimacy are not defined by our bodies or our orientation, but by our ability to connect, share and explore together. Circlusion is a celebration of sexual diversity, an invitation to all to rediscover pleasure in a new and more balanced light. How to integrate circclusion into your sexual practices? Communicate with your partner Incorporating circumclusion into your sex life starts with open and honest communication with your partner. Discuss your desires, your curiosities and your limits. Circlusion is a dance for two, where each partner must feel listened to, respected and valued. Explore the practice Exploring the circumclusion is a journey of discovery. Take time to experiment with different techniques and positions that highlight active receptivity. Pay attention to the reactions of your body and that of your partner. Remember, there is no "right" way to practice circclusion; what matters is shared pleasure and connection. Practicing slow sex is also an excellent way to progress in this new practice. So, are you getting started? We explored this revolutionary concept together, revealing its multiple facets and its potential to transform our vision of sexuality. Circlusion is not just a practice; it** is a door to a deeper understanding of our desires, an invitation to redefine pleasure and balance power dynamics** in our intimate exchanges. But, like any exploration, this one does not stop at the words read or heard. It truly begins when you, in the privacy of your room or your mind , decide to put this new knowledge into practice. Circlusion is an experience to live, to feel, to share. She is a spark that can light a fire of passion and discovery in your sex life.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

How to kiss well?

In the ballet of seduction, the kiss occupies a special place, a suspended moment where two souls brush against each other, where hearts accelerate. But what makes a simple touch of the lips a symphony of sensations, a memory engraved in the marble of our emotions? Is it art, technique, or something that transcends the moment? In this article, we will explore together the secrets of a successful kiss. Not just the techniques – although they are important – but also the subtle alchemy that transforms a gesture into an unforgettable experience. Whether you're a novice or an expert, there's always something new to discover in the art of good kissing. What does a good kiss start with? A kiss is much more than a simple contact of the lips. It is a language, an art, an expression of desire and affection . But then, how to kiss well? How can you turn this gesture into a memorable experience for you and your partner? Choose the ideal time The perfect kiss begins long before lips touch. It is born from a look, from a complicity, from a carefully chosen moment. It's about feeling the right timing, perceiving that spark in the other's eyes that says "yes, now". This moment can be spontaneous, arising from a burst of shared laughter, or carefully prepared, a late evening where words become superfluous. The important thing is to be in tune with the other, to respect their space and their desires. Go at your own pace A good kiss is not rushed. It is savored, it builds slowly. Start with light touches, explore the softness of the other's lips, let the desire build. A kiss can be sweet and tender, or passionate and intense, but it should always be a journey, not a destination. Let yourself be guided by your sensations and those of your partner, and discover together the rhythm and intensity that suits you. It's true when you kiss, but it's also true when you want to perform cunnilingus or a perfect blowjob . By laying these foundations, you create a breeding ground for a kiss that is not only enjoyable but memorable. A kiss which is not limited to simple physical contact, but which becomes a real communication between two beings. The art of kissing: going further to have the perfect kiss Playing with her lips, but also with her body A kiss is much more than the contact of lips. It's a dance where every part of your body plays a role. Your hand gently caressing the back of your neck, your fingers sliding through your hair, your body subtly moving closer... Each gesture adds a layer of intensity and passion to the kiss. Be present in every touch, every connection, in harmony with your partner's reactions. To increase eroticism you can also kiss your partner's body and at the same time put on a condom . Enough to ignite this necessary moment which protects us but which also allows us to do ourselves good. Use the tongue for more sensuality The famous “French kiss”, a timeless classic. But how to execute it well? Start slowly, brushing your partner's tongue with yours. It’s a game of seduction, a gentle and exploratory exchange. Let the passion build gradually, in accordance with the other's rhythm. Remember, this is an intimate conversation, not a competition. Some golden rules for an unforgettable French Kiss: Take it easy Be careful not to bite Always try to keep up with each other Trust each other In the art of kissing, self-confidence is essential. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by anxiety or doubts. “Am I doing it right?” “How should I tilt my head?” Let these questions float away. Focus on the moment, on the sensations, on the connection with your partner. A kiss is an expression of your emotions, of your desire. Be authentic, be yourself, and the rest will follow naturally. Each kiss becomes an opportunity to explore, discover, and share a unique moment of intimacy. Explore the whole body with your lips In our quest to master the perfect kiss we discover that the art of kissing is not limited to the lips. It is a sensual exploration that goes far beyond, an invitation to discover and cherish every part of your loved one. Discover your partner's entire body A kiss is not just an exchange of lips, it is a conversation between two bodies. When your lips part, let them wander. Explore the neck, the shoulders, the hollow of the ear. Each erogenous zone is an unexplored land, a universe of sensations to discover. But remember, consent is king. Each movement, each exploration must be a harmonious dance of shared desires. And to discover your partner's body you might also love doing massages to allow the desire to take hold. You're in luck, since our massage gel is edible : enough to massage and kiss at the same time. Allow desire to take hold In the art of kissing, desire is a fire that must be stoked with care. A kiss can be the prelude to deeper intimacy , an invitation to explore the depths of passion. But it is essential to let yourself be guided by the natural flow of emotions. Let the desire rise, let it guide you, but never rush it. It is in this tension, in this expectation, that the kiss finds its true power. Kissing can also be a way to maintain desire when you want to prolong the sexual act and alternate between the pleasures you offer to your other half. Kissing well: what not to do A kiss can be a moment of pure magic, but a few mistakes can turn that chemistry into a less pleasant memory. Here are some pitfalls to avoid to keep your kisses as captivating as desired. Having unpleasant breath Freshness is essential. Unpleasant breath can break the charm of a moment. Make sure to maintain good oral hygiene, and don't hesitate to use a mouth freshener before an intimate moment. It's a small gesture, but it has a huge impact on the quality of your kisses. Have soft lips Soft, well-groomed lips invite kisses. Moisturize your lips regularly and exfoliate them gently to avoid roughness. A kiss begins long before lips touch; it begins with the promise of irresistible sweetness. Ensure the consent of your partners Consent is the cornerstone of any intimate exchange. A forced or unwanted kiss is never pleasant. Listen to your partner, respect their limits and desires. A kiss shared with mutual respect is infinitely more intense and satisfying. By avoiding these mistakes, you ensure that your kisses remain moments of complicity and shared pleasure. A good kiss is a delicate balance of passion, respect and attention to detail. Keep these tips in mind, and every kiss will be a memorable chapter in your love story. The key to a successful kiss: knowing how to say what you feel and what you like The key to a memorable kiss often lies in communication. Talk with your partner about your preferences, what you like and what you would like to explore. Honest and caring feedback can turn a good kiss into an unforgettable moment. Don't be afraid to express your desires and listen to those of others.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

What to masturbate with? The complete guide to unforgettable intimate moments

Hello to you eager for pleasure! If you're here, it's probably because you're curious, or maybe even looking for a new way to please yourself. And you know what ? You are in the right place! Masturbation, this sweet art of self-pleasure, is as old as humanity itself . And if in the past it was surrounded by mysteries and taboos , today we celebrate it as a form of expression, exploration and, dare we say it, art! In this guide, we'll dive into some basic masturbation tips, explore the simplest and most natural techniques, and even discover a few everyday objects that can turn into unexpected allies. And of course, for those who are ready to take it to the next level, we'll talk about the toys that revolutionized the world of pleasure. So, are you ready for a journey through the ages, cultures and sensations? Fasten your seat belt (or rather, unbuckle it 😉), because we are embarking on an unforgettable intimate adventure! The basics of masturbation Ah, masturbation! This sweet moment of intimacy that we allow ourselves, this little bubble of pleasure where we find ourselves with ourselves. But where does this practice, so universal and so intimate at the same time, come from? Masturbation is ultimately one of the first forms of pleasure that we discover, often well before the first sexual experiences as a couple. And for good reason, it’s completely normal to masturbate! Masturbation is natural, beneficial for health, and allows you to better understand your body and your desires. So, if someone one day tells you that it's bad, remember that our ancestors already indulged in it with relish! The importance of hygiene in masturbation Masturbating is good. Doing it in good conditions is even better! Hygiene is essential, whether for a solo or two-person session. So, before diving into the heart of the matter, a few precautions should be taken: Wash your hands: First of all, make sure your hands are clean. Wash them thoroughly with soap for at least 20 seconds. Cleaning sex toys: if you use toys, it is crucial to clean them before and after each use with a suitable cleaner like the one available in our store or lukewarm water and mild soap. Using appropriate lubricants: If you use lubricant, make sure it is compatible with your sex toy (for example, avoid silicone-based lubricants with silicone toys). Storage of sex toys: Store your toys in a clean, dry and dust-free place. Use dedicated pouches or cases if possible. Avoid sharing sex toys: If you do, use a condom to cover the toy and change it before another person uses it. Be careful with everyday objects: it can be really nice to use everyday objects to do yourself some good, however, you absolutely must ensure that they are clean and washed before use. What to simply masturbate with? The magic of manual masturbation Sometimes simplicity is good, right? And when it comes to having fun, our hands are often our best allies. They know every corner of our body, every curve, every thrill. So, how can we optimize this knowledge for increased pleasure? First of all, it is essential to explore the different techniques and movements possible with the fingers. From gentle caresses to more intense pressure, each person has their preferences. Don't hesitate to vary the rhythms, to play with the sensations. And above all, take your time. Masturbation is a journey, not a race. But beyond the techniques, it is crucial to know and stimulate the erogenous zones . The clitoris is of course the big favorite, but don't forget the lips, the mound of Venus, and even the breasts. Each area can offer unique sensations, so why deprive yourself? Everyday objects for masturbation Who said you necessarily need a sex toy to have pleasure? Sometimes the most innocuous objects can be transformed into instruments of pleasure. Some ideas for cool objects to use for masturbating: Cushions and pillows : These can be used to create pressure or friction against the body. By placing a cushion between the legs and squeezing or rubbing it, you can stimulate the erogenous zones. Hand shower : Running water can be a source of pleasure, especially if the shower has different pressure settings. You'll see, you'll love it! Hairbrush : maybe you've already asked yourself this question one morning, in front of the mirror, getting ready. Obviously, the handle of some brushes can be used for external stimulation 😉 Scarves and handkerchiefs : these can be used for binding or to caress the body. Ice cubes : These can be used for cold stimulation, but be sure to wrap them in a cloth to avoid cold burns. With a little imagination, the possibilities are endless! Why use toys to masturbate? Masturbation, this sweet moment when you connect with yourself, where you explore every part of your body in search of the ultimate pleasure. But have you ever thought about spicing up these moments a little? To add a touch of innovation to increase the sensations tenfold? If not, let me introduce you to the wonderful world of sex toys. Sex toys: a revolution for pleasure Sex toys, far from being simple gadgets, are real allies of pleasure. They were designed to meet a multitude of wants and needs. At Goliate , we have a range that will appeal to you, no matter where you are in your discovery journey. From clitoral stimulators to vibrators to anal toys, there's a world of sensations to explore . But how to navigate this jungle of pleasures? The first step is to define what you are looking for. Do you want external stimulation, internal stimulation, or both? Once you have a clear idea, the choice becomes easier. And don't forget, each sex toy is an invitation to a new sensory adventure. The benefits of vibrators and stimulators Vibrators and clitoral stimulators hold a special place in the hearts of many users. And for good reason ! These little gems are designed to target the most sensitive areas, delivering waves of pleasure with every use. But why are they so popular? Their secret lies in their ability to offer a multitude of sensations. Thanks to their different modes and intensities, they can caress, titillate, or even invade with pleasure. And at Goliate , we are particularly proud of the positive feedback we receive. Our users confirm: these toys are a must-have for anyone looking to enrich their intimate life. We even select our two favorite toys for masturbating well: Masturbating with The Amazing : to stimulate your clitoris like a boss Masturbating with My Pleasure : to reach the G-spot (and seventh heaven), in the blink of an eye What to masturbate with when you are already an expert? Masturbation is a journey, a continuous exploration of our own body. And like any journey, there are always new territories to discover, new sensations to experience. If you've already explored the basic pleasures of masturbation, perhaps it's time to push the boundaries of your pleasure a little further. Exploring anal pleasure The world of anal pleasure still remains unknown to many, often surrounded by taboos and prejudices. However, this erogenous zone contains incredible orgasmic potential. At Goliate we have a range specially dedicated to anal stimulation, designed to offer you an experience that is both gentle and intense. Goliate's commitment to fulfilling masturbation Masturbation is not just a simple quest for pleasure. It is also an act of self-love, a moment when we take care of ourselves . At Goliate , we understand this perfectly. This is why we are committed to offering you quality products, designed for your well-being. Each sex toy, each product that you will find on our site has been carefully selected, in compliance with strict standards. Because for us, encouraging healthy and fulfilled sexuality also involves choosing safe products that respect your body. Masturbation, whether manual or toy-assisted, is a form of personal expression, a celebration of the self. And we are here to support you in this discovery, by offering you quality products, designed with care and passion. If this article has aroused your curiosity, we invite you to share it and follow us on social networks for more advice!

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Our secrets to last longer and make the pleasure last

Adventurers of intimate fulfillment, this article is for you. If you're here, it's probably because you're looking for tips to make the fun last... and you are in the right place! At GOLIATE, we firmly believe that sexual wellness is an art, and like any art, it requires a little practice , tips and knowledge. So, ready to discover how to last longer in bed and transform each intimate moment into an unforgettable symphony? Hang in there, because this guide is your treasure map to longer, deeper, more satisfying nights . And between us, who wouldn't like a little more magic under the covers? 😉 The importance of slowness and sensuality Ah, endurance in bed! A subject that arouses so much curiosity and sometimes even concern. But before diving headlong into tips and techniques to last longer, let's take a moment to understand what's really going on in our bodies. The role of the brain and hormones It all starts in the head. Our brain plays a major role in our ability to go the distance. It releases hormones like dopamine and serotonin which influence our arousal and our point of no return . So, before looking for external solutions, why not start by understanding our own internal chemistry? The importance of breathing Breathe. An act so natural and yet so crucial in the art of prolonging pleasure. Deep, controlled breathing can help delay orgasm and increase endurance. And that's not all ! It also allows you to better feel each sensation, each thrill . So the next time things heat up, remember to take a deep breath. The influence of physical health Yes, your physical condition also plays a role. Better blood circulation, increased cardiovascular endurance, and strong pelvic musculature can do wonders for increasing your time in bed . So, before looking for magic pills, maybe a little workout could be the solution? The impact of mental health Last but not least, our state of mind. Stress, anxiety, performance pressure... all of these factors can affect our endurance . Learning to relax, communicate with your partner and let go of unrealistic expectations can be the key to lasting longer and, above all, enjoying every moment to the fullest. Tips and techniques to prolong the pleasure Ah, the moment you have all been impatiently waiting for! After exploring the inner workings of our endurance, it's time to reveal these little tips and techniques that can transform an ordinary night into an epic of prolonged pleasure . So take notes, ladies, because here are some golden nuggets for those looking to know how to last longer in bed. The “stop and start” technique It's a classic, but that's because it works! The idea is simple: When you feel like you're approaching the point of no return, take a break . Take deep breaths, change positions, or focus on foreplay. Once you feel ready, pick up where you left off. This technique allows not only to prolong the pleasure, but also to intensify the final orgasm. Kegel exercises Ladies, if you don't yet know Kegel exercises, it's high time to discover them! These small movements, which involve contracting and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles, can do wonders for your endurance in bed. And the best? You can practice them anywhere, anytime. So why not make it a daily routine? Intimate toys for training The world of intimate toys is full of treasures for those looking to last longer. From cock rings to G-spot stimulators, these little gadgets can help you discover new sensations and build your stamina. And let's not forget that they also add a playful touch to your antics! At Goliate, we invite you to train with our special G-spot toy, our fabulous My Pleasure . You can also use natural lubricant , regardless of your gender, to maximize your pleasure during penetration and foreplay. Communication with the partner Never underestimate the power of communication. Talking openly about your desires, your limits and your sensations with your partner can help you find the perfect rhythm to prolong the pleasure. After all, sex is a two-person dance, right? Knowing how to communicate also means knowing how to say when you are going to cum , to see if it is the right time for your partner and also possibly suggesting that they change position if you want to prolong your relationship. Adding accessories to diversify the sensations Ah, the incredible world of intimate accessories! If you think sex is already amazing on its own, wait until you discover how the right tools can transform it into a cosmic experience. Let's dive together into this universe of heightened sensations. The fascinating world of intimate accessories Sex toys aren't just for lonely evenings or naughty solo times. They can be real allies to diversify the sensations and add a spicy touch to your antics. Vibrating, rotating, pulsating... there is something for all tastes and desires . So, ready to discover how these little treasures can add variety to your intimate life? Extended moments thanks to the magic of accessories Some toys are specially designed to help prolong the pleasure. Whether by delaying orgasm, intensifying sensations or exploring new erogenous zones, they can be real game-changers. The Amazing: the must-have for your naughty drawer Let’s talk a little about “ The Amazing .” This little gem has quickly become a must-have for those looking to know how to last longer in bed. With its multiple vibration modes and its ergonomic shape, it promises unforgettable nights and repeated orgasms. If you haven't tried it yet, now is the time to give it a try! Advanced techniques to master orgasm Mastering the orgasm... A dream for many, but a reality for those who know the right techniques. Just like a passionate kiss can be the trigger for a hot night, mastering your orgasm can turn a pleasurable experience into an unforgettable one. So, are you ready to discover these secret techniques? The “squeeze” technique: when the art of kissing meets orgasm control Just like there's an art to good kissing, there's a science behind mastering the orgasm. The “squeeze” technique consists of exerting pressure on the base of the penis or on the clitoris just before orgasm. This simple action can delay the point of no return and prolong the pleasure. It's a bit like holding back a passionate kiss to make it even more intense. Strength training of the perineum: the hidden power of the perineum The often overlooked perineum is actually a superhero of orgasmic control. Just as good kissing technique requires some lip and tongue control, a controlled orgasm requires a strong perineum. By strengthening these muscles, you can not only improve your control over orgasm, but also intensify your sensations. The perineum is an excellent avenue , whether you are a man or a woman, to control your orgasms. Try new positions to make sex last Just like a dancer explores new movements to enrich their performance, changing positions in bed can turn a pleasant experience into an unforgettable moment. If you're looking to know how to last longer in bed, know that variety is the spice of life... and pleasure. So, ready to discover new choreographies of desire? The dance of desire: the importance of variety Varying positions is not only a way to add spice to your lovemaking, it is also a way to discover new sensations. Each position offers a different angle, depth and stimulation. By changing regularly, you can not only prolong the pleasure, but also discover what really makes you tick. Recommended positions: a few dance steps to go the distance Spooning : This gentle and intimate position allows deep penetration while leaving your hands free to explore other erogenous zones. Modified Missionary : With the man slightly offset or with the woman's legs on his shoulders, this variation of missionary allows for different stimulation and can help delay orgasm. Reverse cowgirl : In addition to offering a breathtaking view to the man, this position allows the woman to control the rhythm and depth, which can be useful for prolonging the pleasure. The missionary position : it can provide a lot of pleasure, especially when you know how to vary it as it should. Are you ready to last longer in bed? So, dear explorers of pleasure, here we are at the end of this exciting adventure. If you've read this far, it's because you're truly determined to transform your intimate life into a true work of art . At GOLIATE, we are convinced that each person deserves intimate moments that meet their desires. And if you feel ready to move up a gear , why not take a look at our exclusive collection of accessories that will guide you to new heights of pleasure? And remember, the journey is as important as the destination . So, keep exploring, learning and having fun. After all, you deserve it! And if you have any questions or feedback to share, our team is here for you. Don't hesitate to ask us your questions directly on our Insta account!

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

These erogenous zones that we do not know!

Erogenous zones are regions of the human body particularly sensitive to stimulation, which can provoke a sexual or erotic response. These areas vary from person to person and can be influenced by biological, psychological and social factors. What is an erogenous zone? An erogenous zone is a part of the human body particularly sensitive to stimulation, capable of provoking an erotic or sexual response. These areas have a large number of nerve endings, making them particularly receptive to touch, pressure, or other forms of stimulation. Erogenous zones are not limited to the genitals. Although these are often most associated with sexual response, other parts of the body, such as the lips, neck, ears, breasts, or even the inner thighs, can also be considered erogenous. The sensitivity of these areas can vary from person to person, and what is stimulating for one may not be for another. We are all different It is also important to note that the perception of erogenous zones can be influenced by psychological, cultural and individual factors. For example, some cultures or religions may have taboos regarding certain parts of the body, which can influence how individuals perceive and respond to stimulation of these areas. In sum, erogenous zones play a crucial role in human intimacy and sexuality, providing a multitude of avenues for exploring and increasing erotic pleasure. Classic erogenous zones Both men and women have so-called primary erogenous zones (in men, the penis, testicles, the P-spot, in women, the breasts, vulva, clitoris, vagina, etc.). Everyone agrees on these areas: they are innervated, sensitive, and when touched, they provide pleasure. However, discovering your body doesn't stop there! There are also secondary, more personal erogenous zones, which awaken according to a personality, a moment, a partner, a fantasy... The sensitivity of these areas can vary greatly from person to person, and what is stimulating for one may not be for another. Erogenous zones common to men and women Lips: One of the first areas couples explore, they are extremely sensitive to touch. Neck: Kisses, light bites or caresses can cause a strong reaction. Ears: The lobes in particular can be very sensitive to kisses or light bites. The neck: An often neglected but very sensitive area. Breasts and nipples: In some people, stimulation of the nipples can cause strong arousal. The lower back: Particularly sensitive to caresses and massages. The inside of the thighs: An area close to the genitals and therefore very sensitive. Feet: Some find foot massages or toe stimulation can be erotic. Erogenous zones specific to men The penis: Obviously, this is one of the main erogenous zones for men. The testicles: Although they are sensitive, they can be very responsive to gentle stimulation. The frenulum: The band of tissue under the glans of the penis, particularly sensitive. The Anus and Prostate: Anal stimulation can be pleasurable for some men, and the prostate is often referred to as the "male G-spot." Erogenous zones specific to women The clitoris: An extremely sensitive and often central area for female pleasure. The vulva: Includes the inner and outer lips, both sensitive to stimulation. The vagina: In particular, the area known as the "G-spot", located a few centimeters inside on the front wall of the vagina. The anus: Just like men, some women find anal stimulation pleasant. In any case, when we talk about anal stimulation , it is essential to do this with lubricant . Many of us are conscious of “classic” erogenous zones. What we don't know is that we never stop waking them up for new sensations and that... we have others, so far discreet, that could well make us go crazy tomorrow! Exploration. The original erogenous zones and to be tested urgently Some will love having their toes tickled, others will get excited when they are caressed on their stomach. And while we all have primary erogenous zones, we all have secondary zones to explore. In other words, we never get to know each other! Between the areas already explored which hide new pleasures and those which we have never approached... ecstasy is not far away! Exploration of erogenous zones We understand ourselves, we understand our partner, and we frequently experience pleasure based on our own standards . Following a familiar path is comfortable and forms our “erotic essence.” However, to explore unknown erogenous territories and feel new emotions , let's focus on sensuality and delicacy. Extensive foreplay is essential to go beyond our familiar gestures and dare to explore, solo or in a duo. When the desire intensifies and we get carried away, we touch each area of ​​our partner's body, encouraging them to do the same. Another way to immerse yourself in sensuality is through massage . Let's find a cozy place in bed, create a pleasant atmosphere, and start with mutual massages. Take his time There is no point in anticipating the intimate act that might follow: it is not the main objective and it distracts us from the present moment. Let us instead concentrate on discovering the other's body, from their back to their bust, from the bend of their arm to their neck, from their thighs to their buttocks ... An endless moment is offered Awakening your erogenous zones: advice Running your hand over a forearm… meh? Touch is an art! And to awaken an erogenous zone, let's touch differently! We use the pads of our fingers for a maximum thrill, we grab or lightly pull out our nails for a slightly wilder grip... We change our approach, our method ! And also rhythm. Faster, slower, we alternate. Without forgetting to use our mouth, very sensitive, moist, warm, which allows us to approach the nooks and crannies of our partner's body in a different way. Finally, vibrating sex toys can be real “motors”. The Goliate My Pleasure toy will be the ideal companion. Specially designed to stimulate your intimacy or that of your partner, it will vibrate on all the erogenous parts of your body with such power that certain corners of your anatomy will awaken. Communicate with your partner: the key to success It touches us, we touch it... To discover our own erogenous zones but also those of our partner, let's listen to each other and don't hesitate to communicate! When you scan your partner's body, pay attention to their reactions , their breathing, the expression on their face... You will then understand if you are on the right track. Just like he will observe you while caressing you: tell him through sounds, sighs... and that you like that. And then, words remain quite useful in addition to this non-verbal language. “I love it, try again”… By communicating, we make the ride ever more surprising, we venture together, as a couple, onto new terrain.

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Our advices – Mister Ose


Through my work, I receive a lot of questions related to masturbation and I realize that this practice is much more taboo than we think while being stuffed with prejudices, which does not help to move forward on the question. Today, I suggest that you dispel preconceived ideas to redefine the vision that we have of this solitary practice at the start (but which can very well be part of life as a couple) and to go through the best ways to masturbate, including through the use of lubricant . Is masturbation normal? The answer is yes ! Yes 100%! The same way it's OK not to masturbate. Indeed, not everyone feels the desire or the need. This non-envy can present itself punctually or over the longer term. Anyway, it is important to ignore the injunctions to tend towards more respect for oneself. Masturbation is a privileged moment and many people make the mistake of comparing it with a relationship between two people. We can never repeat it enough: the pleasure taken is different, the feeling is different, the mechanics and the desire are also different. Indeed, most of the time and by way of example, it requires less energy. You just need to be tired or have a heavy mental load for this desire to take over. Also, masturbation allows you to give yourself a moment of pleasure the way you want and at the pace you want. I assure you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with preferring masturbation to sex from time to time. It is simply human and many of us think this way. Also, it is important to note that masturbation is not synonymous with betrayal or dissatisfaction or deception. It is part of the time we take for ourselves in the same way as reading or leisure time, for example. Beyond that, it allows you to reconnect with your body, to get to know it and to feel it. In addition, she can be a good ally when you experience a discordance of libido within the couple, but also a game partner for two! Eh yes ! You can very well share a moment of pleasure by masturbating in front of each other or by masturbating each other. Masturbating with lube: the guide The benefits of masturbating with lube Using lubricant makes masturbation smoother and more enjoyable. In addition, it helps reduce pain in case of dryness in the intimate area. It is therefore essential to choose a good lubricant to apply to the genitals to achieve unparalleled pleasure. As such, I particularly recommend the Glisse Sensuelle lubricating gel from Goliate. In addition to having a long-lasting effect, it is organic, vegan and 100% French! A must have made with more than 99% natural ingredients! In short, everything we love! Penis masturbation with lube For a successful penis masturbation, do not hesitate to pour a dab of lubricant in the palm of your hand. You can, according to your affinities, add a little more for an increased feeling of sliding. Then, apply it over the entire length of the penis, from the base to the top of the glans. The lubricant will heat up quickly by the back and forth movements that you will exercise. For even greater pleasure, do not hesitate to make slow and ample movements for long minutes by sliding your penis in your hand. You can also dwell on the glans + brake combo to vary the pleasures. When masturbating, do not hesitate to add lubricant whenever you see fit. The sensations generated by the glide and the humidity provided by the lubricant will be even better! Finally, be aware that water-based lubricants are also compatible with sex toys (unlike silicone-based lubricants which are to be avoided with toys that are also made of silicone!). If you have some available and if the desire is present, do not hesitate to use them to make this moment unique! Clitoris masturbation with lube For clitoral masturbation full of pleasure, pour a dab of lubricant on your fingertips and gently apply it to your clitoris in circular motions. In this way, you will also lubricate part of the vulva and avoid irritation linked to friction if you masturbate with your fingers. If you have an appetite for penetrative masturbation, you can also put a little lubricant inside the vagina to stimulate the G-zone or any other area likely to give you pleasure (you know yourself better than anyone, do you trust!). Finally, know that you can also use the sex toy of your choice - a clitoral stimulator for example - to increase the pleasure felt or if you simply want to take pleasure with less effort (sex toys are also there for that and we're not going to complain about it!). The precautions to take Since your hands are in contact with the private parts, remember to wash them properly with soap and warm water before your masturbation session. If you use lubricant, despite its 100% natural composition, always remember to test it beforehand on an area of ​​your skin (excluding the intimate area) to make sure that you are not allergic to it. Normally, there shouldn't be a problem, but you can never be too careful. Finally, consider filing your nails to avoid injury, especially if you plan to use your fingers for penetration. As you will have understood, masturbation is a very healthy and very pleasant practice. Masturbation with lube is even better! So don't hesitate to use it, even during your intercourse to make it even more pleasant, more fluid and less painful for some of you!

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Our advices – Mister Ose


The female body is made up of many erotic and erogenous zones. Today, focus on an exclusively female area that offers intense pleasure to many people when stimulated, I named the Deep Spot. G-spot, A-spot, Deep Spot: How to find your way around? The female anatomy is full of sensitive and very innervated areas which can, in many people, provide countless pleasures, all as different as each other. Only, it is sometimes difficult to navigate as their names may seem vague. Follow the guide, I explain everything from A to Z. The point G The G-Spot was named after the German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg who discovered it in the 1950s. Recently, this famous Point G was renamed Zone G because a 2022 study suggests that it would be composed of five distinct erogenous regions. These are located about two phalanges from the entrance to the vagina, on the anterior wall, in the direction of the bladder. It is also possible to identify this area by its rough texture, by placing your fingers in a hook up. Point A or Deep Spot Point A and Deep Spot… it's exactly the same thing, and it's the subject that interests us today. He means a area to situating Also In THE vagina, but GOOD deeper than Zone G, near the cervix to be exact. Rich in nerve endings, it would trigger multiple and intense orgasms in many people when stimulated. For this, it is necessary to appreciate the penetration, which is deeper (editor's note: I take this opportunity to remind you that penetration is not compulsory during a report and that it is possible to take pleasure from many others manners). How to find the Deep Spot? Located at the very bottom of the vagina, it is identifiable by its consistency which is softer to the touch than the vaginal wall. It is also important to note that it is very sensitive to pressure. Also, if you stay tuned to your body and the sensations it gives you, you will be able to identify it without too much difficulty. To do this, do not hesitate to take the time. It may seem obvious at first glance, but our daily lives are punctuated by many tasks, we can tend to forget to slow down. Sexuality is no exception to this rule and it is sometimes necessary to take time for yourself in order to (re)appropriate your body. When one wishes to discover new pleasures as is the case here, it is extremely important to be able to identify each sensation, whatever it may be. By practicing this introspection regularly, it becomes easier to get to know yourself and thus, to better understand your desires and, a fortiori, your needs. What are the sensations it provides? Each body being different, the sensations can vary from one person to another. Its stimulation can, in some women, be sufficient on its own as the point is sensitive. For others, add a clitoral stimulation will be necessary to increase this pleasure. Finally, it is important to note that these sensations can also be unpleasant. If this is the case, do not hesitate to change position before repeating the experiment. If it doesn't change how you feel, don't insist. Once again, sexuality is rich enough to be able to give pleasure without necessarily stimulating the Deep Spot. How to stimulate it? : Tips and Tricks The deep spot can be stimulated alone or in pairs. In solo, you can go for Point A if you have long fingers. Otherwise, you can use a sex toy to reach it more easily. In this regard, I advise you to use fairly long toys like the rabbit vibrator MyPleasure Plus (this can give you clitoral pleasure in addition to helping you reach the Deep Spot) or any other sex toy, vibrating or not, at least 8 cm long. In a duo, your partner can also use their upward curled fingers, a toy, or their penis. Note that certain positions facilitate its stimulation. Among them: the greyhound, the andromache, the Amazon and its variants or the anvil. Note also that sodomy can also stimulate the deep spot indirectly if you are a fan of anal sex. The precautions to take to stimulate the Deep Spot Whatever the practice to which one devotes himself, it is advisable to take precautions to limit the risks. Since Point A is in a very sensitive area, it is important first of all to gently stimulate it (at least initially) in order to avoid pain as much as possible. Also, if you have sex with a casual partner, remember to protect yourself! The best solution is still the condom. Note that you can obtain it free of charge from pharmacies with a simple prescription from your doctor. Finally, if you stimulate the Deep Spot, don't forget to wash your hands properly beforehand if you use your fingers and/or to wash your sex toys with a suitable product. I hope these few tips have helped you to see more clearly about this erogenous zone that is the Deep Spot. And don't forget, if you're not fond of penetration, non-penetrative sex is also full of practices that are sure to offer you tasty pleasures.

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Our advices – Maëlle Marchandon

13 Tips to Take Care of Your Sex

Taking care of your penis is an integral part of sex life, and yet we are rarely taught how to do it. Unfortunately, the vulva is more sensitive than the penis to inconveniences such as urinary tract infections, or flora imbalances... But hygiene rules apply to everyone! A few practical tips can ensure good hygiene while avoiding most difficulties. Take care of her vulva To wash your penis: Wash your vulva once a day, but be careful, only the external part! The vagina is self-cleaning, you should never put water or soap internally, at the risk of completely unbalancing your flora. What product to use? The ideal is to use a gentle cleansing care (without soap, without perfume) or simply clear water, according to your preference. Even if it is not necessary to buy specialized products (which are expensive and often contain perfume), avoid all the same the ultra-scented shower gels of the trade. A gentle washing care from a drugstore is ideal. Wash, yes, but not too much: wash your vulva once a day, no more! Too frequent washing can unbalance your flora. If you feel the need for refreshment during the day (for example, when you have your period) you can rinse with clear water, but without adding any product or soap. Dry your vulva well after showering, to avoid trapping moisture in this sensitive area. Wipes and deodorants are to be avoided! In addition to being useless, they are often harmful. Some advice in your sexuality Everything that comes in contact with your vulva must be clean: hand washing (/ of sextoys, penises, etc.) is compulsory before masturbation or sex. We do not go from the anus to the vulva: the anus and the rectum contain bacteria which must never come into contact with this area, at the risk of causing inconveniences such as vaginosis, mycosis or even a urinary infection. . This also applies to a passage from the anus (external) to the vulva (external), even if there has been no penetration. On the other hand, doing the opposite does not cause any problem! Go pee after sex: this reduces the risk of urinary tract infection, by removing all the small bacteria that could have lodged in your urethra. Tips for everyday life: drink plenty of water and prefer cotton underwear. With or without hair? The bristles are hygienic: they form a barrier that slightly reduces the risk of infection. The decision to keep them or remove them should depend on your desires and preferences. Bonus: look at your vulva in a mirror! This area of ​​the body is often neglected, yet getting to know yourself better is an integral part of sexual fulfillment. If you feel comfortable with this, take a small mirror (or the selfie camera of your cellphone), and look at your vulva trying to locate the different elements: clitoris, urethral meatus, inner lips ("small labia ), outer lips (“labia majora”), entrance to the vagina. Help yourself with an illustration in case of doubt. Take care of his penis Wash your penis: it should be cleaned thoroughly every day. The penis is generally less sensitive to imbalances in the flora than the vulva, so it is quite possible to use soap or shower gel to wash, even if a mild cleansing treatment remains ideal. If you don't have had a circumcision operation, don't forget to retract your penis to wash your glans. The scrotum (skin around the testicles) and anus should also be cleaned carefully. Touch your testicles: Testicular cancer is very treatable if detected early. And the best way to spot it quickly is to feel your testicles regularly! Once a month, in the shower with soapy water, use one hand to hold your testicles, and the other to feel them in search of an anomaly: small hard lump under the skin, pain, swelling... If in doubt, go quickly to consult your general practitioner. Take care of your partners: Certainly, the penis is less sensitive than the vulva to infections and imbalances. But a lack of hygiene on your part could cause an inconvenience to your partner. Taking care of your sexual health also means thinking about others by having good hygiene, providing condoms in your size, learning about what could create a problem for your partner, and consulting at the slightest signal. alert. Find the right condom: A condom that is too tight can cause loss of sensation, and a condom that is too loose is more likely to slip off during sex. A good condom fits snugly, but not too tight. If you have any doubt about your size, you can go to this website . Taking care of your sex is also... Accept its scent: The vulva and penis do not smell like roses and that's normal! As long as your hygiene is good and your smell doesn't suddenly change, there's nothing to worry about. Consult at the slightest alert: Unusual discharge, appearance of a small lump, itching, sudden change in the smell of your penis, plaques, pain, strange discharge… Any unusual signal should lead you to quickly consult your general practitioner. Most difficulties and inconveniences can be resolved easily if they are taken care of correctly. In case of problem, avoid "home remedies": Many people try to treat yeast infections or vaginosis with outlandish remedies (like putting yogurt or garlic in the vagina!). Result: more often than not, the situation worsens. Ask your doctor or gynecologist for advice before trying anything out of the ordinary to solve your problem, and don't forget that traditional medical treatments (eggs, antibiotics, etc.) are the most effective and the most sure! Protect yourself from STIs: STIs are unfortunately on the rise due to a drop in the use of protections. Using condoms and getting tested regularly are the two best ways to protect yourself! I hope these few tips will help you take care of your sex with ease.

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Our advices – Mister Ose


According to an Australian study conducted in 2015 by Professor Peter Jonason and his team and published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, 92% of people questioned talk during sex. But what is Dirty Talk? What is it exactly? Focus today on this practice that raises the temperature! Dirty Talk: Definition Dirty Talk refers to a practice of pronouncing more or less daring words or phrases during sexual intercourse. Even if initially the Dirty Talk is associated with exclusively raw words, the scientists through their study have identified 8 major themes allowing them to be categorized. And as you will see, there is something for everyone! The 8 categories of Dirty Talk 1. First, we find the category of intimate ties. In other words, it is about the sentences pronounced during the act which have an affective link. Examples: " I love you more than anything ! », « I find you really beautiful… », « I love making love with you ». 2. Second category, words or phrases called “reflexes”; these words spoken without our realizing them. Examples: " Oh yes ! ", " Again ! Keep on going ! ", " It's good ! » 3. The third theme identified by the researchers concerns fantasies. As its name suggests, it is about verbally materializing our personal and/or common fantasies. Examples: "Imagine if someone surprised us", "Imagine being watched fucking", "Imagine that there are two of us taking care of you". 4. Fourth category: encouragement. No need for a drawing, it's about the sentences you say to encourage your partner to continue what they have started. Examples: “Please keep it up! », « Don't stop, it's perfect! » 5. In number 5, we find the instructions. Examples: “Go harder! Faster ! », « Take me from behind », "Hang on to my hair" 6. The sixth theme concerns possession. These are phrases that are spoken in order to accentuate the feeling of belonging. Examples: " You're mine ! ", " You belong to Me… " 7. The penultimate point refers to dominance and words that can sound like commands. Examples: "Do Exactly What I Tell You", "Lick Me/Suck Me" 8. Finally, the last theme concerns submission. Unlike domination, this allows you to offer great freedom to your partner. Examples: "Do what you want with my body", "Do what you want with me". How to practice Dirty Talk correctly? Before playing with words, it is essential to discuss them beforehand with your partner. You can schedule a time dedicated to this discussion by cutting off all sources of distraction (telephone, television, etc.) and talk openly about your affinities in this area. During a report, do not embark on an improvisation that could undermine this moment of sharing if you have not taken the time to discuss it. Indeed, before embarking on this path, it is important to ensure that the desire is shared. This can be punctual or, on the contrary, be part of your long-term desires. Also, don't forget to discuss your respective limits, whether it's about the sentences or the words spoken. While dirty talk can be arousing, it can also kill the urge if you don't use the words wisely. Once this framework is properly defined, you can let your imaginations do the rest. The Dirty Talk in Sex Life The power of words is sometimes underestimated. And while it can raise the temperature in bed (or elsewhere) during sex, it can also help raise arousal before the act. For example, nothing prevents you from sending sexts to your partner during the day, just before meeting them in the evening to give them a taste of what could await them when they get home. Dirty talk also allows you to access a more liberated part of yourself, sometimes even wilder or even more animal if you decide to venture into the field of raw words. Whatever your personality, there will always be words that resonate with you more than others. What if I don't have a particular affinity with Dirty Talk? It is not an end in itself. It is not a sine qua non condition to live and share a moment of pleasure with someone. Indeed, some people express their pleasure in ways other than words. It is also possible to communicate with your partner non-verbally: by breathing, moaning, looking or even by gestures. Don't worry if you don't have a particular affinity with this practice, you will always find a way to make your other half understand how much you appreciate this moment. Precautions to take during the Dirty Talk If there is one precaution to take when practicing dirty talk, it is to avoid falling into clichés or even disrespecting others. The practice requires desire (and as with everything in sexuality, the consent of one's spouse) and listening before and during intercourse. Do not hesitate either to make regular updates by organizing moments of discussion because, it is said too little, everyone's desires can evolve in one direction or another over time. And it's completely natural! In addition, if certain fears or reluctance persist, you can very well start this practice gently, by drawing ideas from the category of intimate ties, reflex phrases or encouragement. When you feel more comfortable, you can take it up a notch and try other things if you want. I hope these tips for Dirty Talk have answered your questions on the subject. And don't forget: what matters above all is to be yourself!

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Our advices – Mister Ose


In the “all-digital” era, sexting takes a significant place in our daily lives and is part of our lives. Whether you exchange sexts with an occasional partner or within your couple, the primary objective is to raise the tension. But for a conversation to be successful, it is important to respect a few rules of use. Follow the leader ! What is sexting? Sexting is the exchange of sexts; in other words, the exchange of messages of a sexual nature between two people. It can be a simple message, a spicy conversation or even photos or videos. For many, it helps to bring out the desire before a meeting or to maintain a state of tension in the relationship. Indeed, sending a sext is not only reserved for people present on dating sites, or for young people. This practice can totally fit into the life of a couple and provide pleasure both to the person who sends it and to the partner who receives it. The 4 important steps of sexting: Step 1: Consent First of all - and I insist on this point - it is essential to exchange your consents. Exchanges of sexts involve the sharing of explicit content, and transmitting messages, photos or videos of a sexual nature without consent is punishable by two years in prison and a fine of €60,000. Once this step is done, do not hesitate to give free rein to your respective imaginations. Step 2: Discuss your desires For once, communication is key. If you are already in a relationship, you may already know your partner's affinities and this is a good thing. However, keep in mind that these (just like yours) may evolve and change over time. Also, if you do not feel comfortable sharing your sexting desires orally, the written format is for many a preferred means of communication. It allows many people to communicate more easily. If, on the other hand, you have only just met your partner, do not skip this moment of exchange. Step 3: Choose your preferred mode(s) of communication In writing, via a voice note, in image or video, there is something for everyone! Even if they each have their own particularity, these different forms of sexting allow you to vary the pleasures. For some, the written form is more comfortable because the words can stand on their own, while for others, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Anyway, it is very important to choose your exchange platform carefully by favoring those that allow the sending of ephemeral messages if you do not know (or little) your gaming partner. Among the best known are WhatsApp, Snapchat or Messenger. Step 4: Be yourself! We may tend to forget it, but the objective of sexting is not to judge your partner or to judge yourself, whether on form or on substance. No, above all, sexting allows you to share your attraction, especially sexual, and your desire for others. Only, not everyone knows how to go about it or is not comfortable with this practice. If so, nothing is stopping you from exploring the world of sexting step by step. Indeed, you are not obliged to reveal everything (immediately, or at all). Also, do not hesitate to use your strengths. I assure you, everyone has them, even if you think otherwise. Sexting in the couple If you are currently in a relationship, perhaps you feel a form of routine settle into your daily life. I assure you, it's completely normal and many people go through bad times in their relationship. Also, even if we don't always make this connection naturally, love and sexting go together perfectly. Sexting, when practiced with the loved one, makes it possible to strengthen emotional ties, to increase complicity but also to (re)awaken a sometimes dormant desire. This is one of the main strengths of these exchanges. Indeed, the asynchronous format of this type of discussion awakens envy and libido in us while boosting our imagination. You can also seize this opportunity to share with your half your (or your) fantasy of the moment. Whether it's directly or through a game of innuendo, sexting offers an incredible space for expression. It even allows some couples to reconnect with a form of communication which, in many ways, can be very positive. Finally, sexting makes it possible to create surprise at unexpected times. Receiving a burning message at the office, when you are far from each other or during a family meal can have its small effect! Now that sexting has no more secrets for you, all you have to do is jump into the deep end and send that first sext! Remember that what matters above all is mutual respect. One wrong word and you risk jeopardizing this moment of sharing. To remember all the points discussed above, I'll give you a little mnemonic: "It's like you" (CECOMVOUS) C for Consent, E for Desire, COM for Communication, YOU as "be yourself". SO ? Ready to try the experience?

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Stop the moments of embarrassment: we eroticize the condom

Fateful moment, moment that breaks everything... Putting on a condom is not always glamorous, but it is nevertheless essential! Tips to turn this awkward moment into an erotic moment. Eroticizing the condom, it takes preparation! Tip n°1: the condom at hand As soon as you do not know the state of health of your partner, the use of a condom is essential. So we start by having it on us and… close at hand. We thus avoid a long embarrassing pause (and that I return my drawers, and that I panic in the bathroom…). Within reach, it also means that you gently place the condom on the bed or the pillow so as not to have to “break the relationship in two”. Thus, when we want to put it, we will catch it discreetly. Fluid gesture, fluid report! Tip n°2: we talk to each other (like pigs) The idea is to grab the hood while continuing our momentum: a few caresses and especially sweet or dirty words (since our hands are slightly taken). By murmuring “I want you”, or even “I want you”, we stay in the mood. Grabbing the condom and putting it on against a backdrop of erotic words, that perfectly accompanies the gesture without breaking the excitement. It is now…. ! Tip #1: We don't have to look at each other! If we barely know each other, we can decide not to look at each other. If it is the man who puts on the condom, he can sit astride the woman lying on her stomach. Thus, he continues to caress her buttocks and in two and a half seconds, it's done! If it is the woman who puts on the condom while she prefers not to meet her partner's gaze, she can stand behind the man who sits on the edge of the bed. With (and after) a few kisses on the neck, voila. Tip #2: don't stand idly by If the condom moment is not always the most glamorous, it's because we tend to stop (are you okay otherwise?). However, we can remain in control (in this case mistress) of the game: when Mr. puts on the condom, Mrs. can caress (supra exciting). If she puts him on, why not dare fellatio at the same time? We kiss his penis, we put the condom on... And after ? It's finish ? Not that much. It's true, once the report is over and you remove the condom, the embarrassment flies away. However, we can discuss it. Ask yourself if you liked the warming or textured effect. If we felt confident, if we didn't feel burnt or otherwise… It's quite simple but this post-act exchange helps to de-dramatize the use of condoms. Or how we prepare the ground for the next time!

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

The perineum, or how to intensify your orgasms. Simple and efficient !

The perineum is an area of ​​skin made up of muscles and ligaments that takes the shape of a hammock. It is located between the genitals and the anus. The perineum is a fragile area which is generally taken care of very little. Most women only hear about the perineum after childbirth, when perineal re-education is needed. For some men, they only become aware of it during a prostate operation. However, strengthening the perineum has several advantages, such as: weight loss, preparation for childbirth, increased orgasmic pleasure and also delaying premature ejaculation. In addition, its toning can be done at any age. This part of the body is an area that plays a crucial role in the anatomy and sexuality of individuals. In women, it closes the abdomen and supports a number of organs in the lower abdomen. While in men, it includes the end of the digestive tract and part of the urinary and genital tracts. This area contains vital blood vessels that send blood to the genitals and nerve endings send sexual messages to the brain. Why do you need to strengthen the perineum? Issues related to sexuality In the intimacy of the two partners, the perineum allows you to have a fulfilling sexuality and contributes to the increase of sensations. If it is not firm enough, the woman is less likely to feel the penis, which means less pleasure during penetration. On the contrary, a well-muscled perineum promotes compression and ascension of the clitoris, as well as vascularization . As far as men are concerned, the perineum is just as important, because the contraction of the perineal muscles makes it possible to boost the inflow of blood into the cavernous bodies of the penis, which increases sexual arousal and guarantees erection rigidity . Moreover , it is filled with nerve endings, which makes it a particularly erogenous zone . For such a small surface of skin, the perineum can provide a lot of pleasure, taking care of it then represents a considerable complement in sexual life. Health issues A deficient perineum increases the risk of contracting what is called organ prolapse or descent, as well as perineal hypotonia. It's when the woman feels like she's gaping . On the other hand, perineal hypertonia is more and more frequent, it is the involuntary contraction of the muscles, which makes penetration difficult . For a man, it can be the cause of uncontrolled and too fast ejaculations. Besides, it helps maintain gas and bowel movements. Before and after childbirth Childbirth has negative impacts on the perineum, because the load imposed on the latter increases. This causes a relaxation and a decrease in pleasure at the time of the act. This is also the cause of the occurrence of urinary leakage. However, all these problems can be easily solved, thanks to perineal rehabilitation. However, it is best to learn how to tone it during pregnancy, in order to soften it, which will make it easier for the baby to come out. How to strengthen your perineum? There are several exercises that can strengthen your perineum. The elevator Put yourself in a lying or sitting position, and imagine that your perineum is a 4-story elevator. Gradually go up contracting the perineum a little more for each floor to be reached, while pausing when you have reached each floor. The contraction of the perineum provides a sensation that will go up towards your sternum or your chest. 1st stage: contract the muscles of the perineum for 1 second, pause and release gently; 2nd stage: contract for 2 seconds, trying to raise the pelvic floor (perineum), towards the top of the body then release slowly; 3rd stage: contract the muscles of the perineum, raising it a little further for 3 seconds, then gently release; 4th stage: contract one last time for 4 seconds and release slowly. The half bridge This is a yoga posture that helps strengthen the perineum. To do this, it is necessary to stay Lie on your back, arms along your body, legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Then take a deep breath in contracting the perineum while squeezing the buttocks and pressing down on your feet to tilt the pelvis. Finally, it's necessary Lift your buttocks off the ground by blowing for 10 seconds, then gently lower your back, unrolling your spine vertebra after vertebra. Simple daily exercises Indeed, there are simple exercises that you can perform anywhere, such as at the office, at home...During the day, remember to regularly contract your perineum for 5 seconds, then release, redo this movement ten times in a row. However, it should be noted that all exercises should be performed with an empty bladder. Otherwise, they could lead to a urinary tract infection. Finally, do not hesitate to use the famous Kegel Balls, the ideal companion to strengthen your perineum effortlessly. The perineum and sexual pleasure In the woman According to Jean Bourdin, physiotherapist and sexologist , if the perineum is well muscled, this will lead to the lubrication of the vulva, because the Bartholin glands will be emptied more easily. Moreover, its contraction reduces the vaginal orifice and tightens a third of the external part of the vagina, which will keep it firm. This promotes increased vaginal contractions and will allow more intense orgasmic pleasure, a virtuous circle beneficial for sexuality. At men's You should know that the prostate is located two inches from the rectal canal. However, stimulation of the perineum allows indirect access to it. Besides This is a particularly erogenous zone for men, as the muscles become engorged with blood during sex, so this is the best time to explore it. Whatever your gender, stimulating this area could be a great addition to your sex life, as the perineum is rich in sensitive nerve endings. Everyone is sensitive to it to some degree. Regardless of your gender, there's a range of pleasures you may have yet to explore.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

Prostate massage : this game that wants you good!

The prostate is an elementary organ for the male gender. Located in the male reproductive system, it plays a major role in reproduction. Its mission is to secrete a fluid allowing the formation of the seminal fluid which transports the spermatozoa. In order to keep it healthy, there are specific but simple techniques. One can, for example, practice a massage. A prostate massage refers to a kind of manual stimulation or using a prostate massager of the organ in question. This practice is likely to bring many benefits. However, do not hesitate to ask a health professional before embarking on this type of experience. What is prostate massage? Before starting this practice, as erotic as it is, you need to know some useful information. First, note that it is to stimulate the prostate. It is often performed for medical reasons, but can also be done for the purpose of causing arousal and sexual pleasure. The man can practice it alone or accompanied. The objective is to stimulate the famous point "P" which is the equivalence of the point "G" of the woman in the man. The method is not simple, but it just takes some getting used to. It suits,  beforehand, of lubricate a finger and insert it into the anus and rectum, then place it at the level of the prostate. The latter is located about 7 cm from the entrance to the anus in the direction of sex. The person concerned must then make circular movements in order to stimulate the gland. This massage can be performed during sexual intercourse, by a woman, using a sex toy or vibrators adapted to this kind of experience. What precautions should be taken ? The first precautions to take are hygienic. Before considering this type of experience, it is necessary to wash your hands. So, again, to avoid scratches and other lesions, it is advisable to cut the nails, since it is a highly sensitive area. Then, in order to facilitate the penetration of the finger or any sex toy, use a lubricant, preferably water-based. Finally, softness is required for this kind of massage, knowing that by going too hard, the risk would be to cause inflammation. The different ways to massage the prostate With the hand The hand can be a great help when it comes to massaging. However, in this particular experience, the finger should be the leader. Knowing that the prostate is located about 7cm from the anus, you will need at least your index finger to be able to reach it. Before you start, settle into a position that is most comfortable for you and above all practical to achieve this. Feel free to use lubricant for an even softer and more sensual approach. Using an appropriate accessory If you want to put all the chances of a successful experience on your side, opt for a sex toy for beginners specialized in this kind of sexual practice. In addition to undoubtedly reaching your goal, it also allows you to share sweet and erotic moments, all for your well-being. Do not consider other possibilities The rectum cannot be compared to the vagina. It is strongly advised not to try other objects or foods such as fruits or vegetables. The use of this type of product for this purpose represents real risks of accident and infection. How to do it ? Concretely, it is not only a question of placing your finger at the level of the anus, that is not enough to reach prostatic orgasm. This type of experience, whether practiced as a couple or solo, with sex toys or a finger, it must imperatively be done gradually. You can start by stimulating the part between the anus and the testicles. Then try to focus on sensuality at the anal barrier. This is a part that is sensitive, delicate and full of sweetness. The second thing not to be taken lightly is position. It must be admitted that each person has their favorite position, the one that makes them more comfortable. Let yourself go, don't be afraid to go beyond your limits. If you fail, persevere. Be aware that the position plays an important role in the success of the experiment. Finally, do not force it. You should avoid forcing your partner to practice it, or even inflicting it on yourselves under any constraint whatsoever, if you do not feel ready. It is better to do it with enjoyment and assurance at the same time. Remember:  you have to go slowly. Again, this is a very sensitive area, so avoid making any sudden movements. Relax, take all the time you need and stay focused on the feeling that floods your whole body. The benefits of prostate massage Basically, this type of erotic massage is used with the aim of relieving the pain and sensitivity of prostatitis. For the majority of men, massage has the ability to relieve discomfort and swelling. This allows them to avoid surgery or drug treatments that treat the symptoms of prostatitis, a disease of the prostate. Prostate massage as cancer prevention The role of the prostate is to secrete part of the seminal fluid, ensuring, thereafter, a consistency to the sperm. Note that a gland can be affected by several conditions. By practicing this massage, you can reduce your risk of developing cancer. Enhances sexual pleasure Prostate massage increases blood flow to the prostate. This phenomenon improves male erections. Naturally, there is nothing better for a satisfying sexual relationship. Only bodily well-being This type of massage can help ease painful ejaculations over time. In addition, it improves the intensity of ejaculation, which allows you to enjoy your intimate moments even more.

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Our advices – L'équipe Goliate

The best positions to burn the most calories during sex

And if making love helped to lose weight? That would be the foot, wouldn't it? Good news ! These perspirations, shortness of breath and aches are not in vain. However, it must be recognized that the expenditure of calories while having coitus are not the same as those relating to sport strictly speaking. Still, it's still better than nothing. Imagine that we burn three times more of it than in motion at rest. It is still necessary to know the most favorable positions. Either way, you kill two birds with one stone by focusing on practices other than the traditional missionary. As much to combine the useful with the pleasant Make no mistake, sex will never replace a proper exercise program. However, it does help get rid of a few small calories. In any case, there is nothing better than a good part of your legs in the air to enjoy unparalleled pleasure while taking care of your figure. First, this practice does not require as much willpower as sports that are more or less intensive. On the other hand, sweats are an integral part of sex. Although sweating naked is much less painful than with tracksuits. The other side of the coin is that the calories burned are less important in the case that concerns us. Supporting scientific studies Like the University of Montreal, many centers and institutions have already studied the subject. As part of the study conducted by it, twenty couples made experiments with the intention of comparing energy expenditure during sexual intercourse and during sports activities. First verdict: the body of the man and the woman do not work in the same way on this point. If the first burns 100 calories over an average duration of 25 minutes in sex, the woman is at 69. Logic dictates that these figures increase with the extension of this period of time which varies in principle between 10 and 57 minutes. Compared to moderate-intensity walking, the efforts pay off twice as much as in the first case, for both men and women. These results were obtained thanks to the data collected by an electronic armband to put on during the act. In short, the male sex is able to burn 4.2 calories per minute during sexual activities and their opposite is 3.1 calories for the same period of time. Each step has its impact A priori, there are various ways of making love. Each of them leads to different effects, from foreplay to ejaculation. For the preliminaries Let's start with the beginning. You have to believe that foreplay isn't just for arousing. They also increase the calories destroyed, especially in their sports version. Those who love to indulge in sexy dances before taking action are favored, because the more the practice is eventful, the more the efforts increase. For this purpose, the limbs should be used as much as possible. On top of that, lovers of sex games win all the way since they tend to focus on the physical. As an example, if the usual foreplay only burns 200 calories, it is up to 400 for the other case The classic and the Kamasutra Intense sex goes hand in hand with Kamasutra. It is obvious that this one is twice as taxing as the classic. Moreover, some more or less complex positions will be shared in stride. For amateurs, there is sure to be enough to try new experiences without compromising pleasure. Between taking your time and making a quick shot The choice is obvious. If you blast 200 calories for quick hits, the bet is doubled when you get it right. In this case, what to do when orgasm is imminent? It's very simple: you have to let go and take the time to do another round, or even two if your body allows it. Imagine that this effort has an undeniable impact on your energy expenditure. However, this objective must not be achieved to the detriment of the true purpose of coitus, which is the thrill. Difference between standing and lying positions Standing positions are tougher than those practiced while lying down. They are therefore more profitable in terms of calories. However, they must be practiced knowingly since they are not given to everyone in the sense that they require not only great mental concentration, but also a certain physical capacity. In the absence of this faculty, it is necessary to resort to compromises like sitting postures. In this case, you will be halfway between the two.  Some tips in Kamasutra Choose from these positions depending on your physical condition. The standing man: no need to draw a picture for this first choice. If you last an hour with a few breaks in between, you manage to burn 360 calories. The Andromaque Amazone: this is the best way to make a woman reach an exceptional orgasm. The efforts made correspond to those made in the abs-glutes with 200 calories burned in one hour. The Javanese wheelbarrow: this is undoubtedly one of the most effective positions. 570 calories in one hour for the equivalent of one hour of cycling. The traditional doggy style: opt for this one if you are not a fan of complicated postures. You manage to eliminate 540 calories in one hour as you do in climbing. The Avignon bridge: with this one, the woman is more advantaged, because it works the buttocks, the thighs and the legs at the same time. With a deep penetration, it takes you to seventh heaven while you evacuate 300 calories. Stretch: like doggy style, stretch is not very difficult to implement. It is equivalent to 170 calories lost.

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